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Barrel lenses and shutters


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This may be the mother of all beginner questions, but I've seached all over this site, and having found the answers to almost every other questions I've had, I haven't found the answer to this one. In short, how does one know if a given lens will work with a given shutter? I have to believe that these things come in different sizes and/or capabilities, but I have yet to see an ad that says anything like "Barrel lens X, for use with shutter Y." Or is the answer that any competent machinist can make any lense work with any shutter?




Thanks in advance

David Gardner

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There's no hard and fast rules about this. Most barrel lenses need

to have modifications done and/or adapters made to fit into

shutters. A good rule of thumb is that the iris diameter of the

shutter must be as large or larger than the iris diameter of the

original lens barrel.




See: http://www.skgrimes.com/lensmount/index.htm for a page about

lens remounting in general. See:

http://www.skgrimes.com/fits/index.htm for a page with a table

showing an anecdotal list of various lenses fitted to shutters based

on my experience doing this.





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Steve's lens table will give you a pretty good idea which shutter you

should use for your barrel lens x. If you don't find you lens in

that table, then the next thing you might want to consider is that: 1.

unscrew both the front and rear lens units off the barrel of your lens

x, 2. measure the threads, 3. compare with shutter mount specs, 4.

Call Steve to confirm which shutter to use (so you have some numbers

to talk about). He is the greatest!

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How did the BJ standard work out?




One exception to the "most need adjustment" statement, is that many

lens manufacturers now make the lenses to fit directly into Copals or

other shutters.

I have a brilliant Congo commercial 180mm, that threads directly into

a Copal #3 (56mm) without modification or spacers.

Now I just have to find a Copal # 3(s) that I can afford!

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