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Canon 35mm f/2.0 - Which hood ?

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It seems that Canon did not produce a lenshood specifically for the 35mm f/2.0.

When one fits this lens with the Canon "flattie" filter,as recommended so that

there is no problem with vignetting,the lens must surely suffer from unavoidable

flare if used without a hood.It has been suggested to me that a 40mm screw hood

could be used but using the Canon "flattie" Skylight filter no screw thread is

available to enable the hood to be attached.

Could anybody tell me what hood they use with the Canon "flattie" filter fitted

on their Canon 35mm f/2.0.to overcome this problem and which will not cause


Many thanks,William

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A great 35mm lens. I would question the recommendation to use it with a filter. This lens has a deeply recessed front element and is not very flare prone - so long as you DON'T use a filter! If you must use a hood, I suggest the Leica 12504 clip-on vented hood, which fits very nicely over the Canon's barrel. If you are careful with it, it shouldn't slip off. No worse than, and certainly better than the slip-on hood for the old 85mm f2 Nikkor.
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I keep seeing this question, folks really want there to be a hood for this lens. But Canon didn't make a lens hood for it.


Indeed, the deep recess of the front element on the Canon RF 35/1.8 and 35/2.0 lenses makes a hood not very important.


I know that the rectangular Canon hood for the 50/1.8 and 35/2.8 works just fine on the 35/1.8 lens. No idea how it works on the 35/2.0, which has a larger front element. Not that easy a hood to find, the somewhat smaller rectangular hood for the 50/1.9 is much more common.


This 50/1.8 hood can be used with either the 42mm slip-on Series VI adapter, or with the 42mm "A" screw-clamp Series VI adapter, which doesn't scratch up the dress ring at the front of the lens. The latter also makes it work fine with a Summitar or Summicron 50mm lens.

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The ebay seller called heavystar offers a vented -- or as it says there, ventilated -- 40mm hood for $19.95.


I've purchased a (different) hood from heavystar. Good experience.


The only thing I'm not certain about, William, is whether and on what terms heavystar ships to the U.K., but an email address is provided for inquiries.


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