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Do you share wedding leads with other wedding photographers?


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What do you do with inquiries for the dates you already have booked? I feel

it's a shame to just let them go but this is what I have been doing lately.


Last year I talked to several photographers that had similar styles and pricing

with me and I did send them many leads, however I never received even a thank

you email reply for most of them let alone any of them returning the favor of

sending me referrals for their booked dates. After doing that with 20-25 leads

I stopped.

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I give people the contact information of four or five others and I make it a point to ask them to let the other photographers know that I referred them. I realized that people didn't think to let the other photographer know how they found them. People always thank me for helping them find someone else and I think leaving them with a positive exit keeps you on their good side so they recommend you to their friends.


One thing to consider is that people might not want to initiate a conversation with a photographer by saying "I tried hiring David H, but he was already booked" for fear that it might sound like they were the second choice. Not a great way to introduce yourself.



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I share leads. Why not? I can't help the prospect so why not look like a nice guy and give them referrals? Sometimes, they refer YOU, and not the other guy, to their friends. I don't look for thank yous or returned favors, but if you feel you should get them, why not hook up with like minded photographers and institue a specific referral process. Some photographers even start a group, give the group a name, and help each other even beyond sharing leads.
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Create a Referral List by contacting other photographers in your area who shoot weddings with a style you admire.


Call them and ask permission to place them on your Referral List.


The photographers you contact will like it ... the bride and grooms you refer will love the fact that you care enough to give them this service even though you're already got the date filled ... it shows that you care about them getting a good photographer for their wedding! It's a good thing.

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I always share leads! And when another photographer books my referral, they usually treat me to lunch, or at least coffee. I do the same! It's a fabulous way to gain clients... and they have trust in you when you come recommended from a photographer they were interested in. It's shame that your market doesn't favour this practice!
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I have a few people who I regularly refer work to. I do it based on the stlye/price/person of the one I referring them to, and whether I think it will fit well with their needs/taste.


I like to think it works both ways but I don't really care. I think you do someone (the client) a service in offering referrals of people you know will do a great job too.

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Thank you all for your replies. To clarify a few things, I never expected any money, lunch or anything else from anyone I referred leads to. My referrals were sent to the photographer as well as the client so it was not like the client did not call and the photographers did not know I referred work to them. I selected them based on their style and price thinking I am doing my client a service. Then after doing that for a while I thought if I am really helping my customers or not. If the photographers do not have the courtesy to at least reply to an email that sent them a potential client how will they treat the person I am referring to them? I know we are all busy but I never expected anything elaborate. Hit reply on the every other 5th-6th email I sent you and type "Thanks." How long does that take? That lack of manners made me rethink sending them my clients. Will they treat my clients the same way they treat me? If so, I am to blame for refering them.


Unfortunately I am relatively new in this area and do not have any photographer friends. I guess that would be the best solution.


Then again maybe I had really bad luck choosing the photographers I sent leads to. I'll give it another try.

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David, I think your problem is that you don't have a personal relationship with the photographers that you've referred to. Unfortunately, this means that you're just giving out referrals on a "yellow pages" basis. Since you don't know them, you can't really attest to thier ability and people skills....you're just selecting people based on their local advertising. It could be that you had bad luck choosing the photographers, I'd suggest that you refrain from referrals to people that you don't have any personal connection with. It's also the perfect excuse to start establishing relationships with local shooters and making photography friends. Good luck.
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I also share leads with a few photographers I know. (list of four or five) I have also had one or two of them second shoot for me if they are not booked. They return the favor from time to time. We have a pretty good thing going. I don't usually ask for a referral fee, but I sometimes get one, ocasionally it may be us going to dinner, or a bottle of whine, that stuff seems to go a long way in developing a relationship with them, and I get a few ballgame buddies out of it!
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