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Which Tele for portraits


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I'm buying a Kiev 60 from Arax, and will be using it mainly for portaits. The

choice of short to medium teles seems to be: Biometar or Vega 120, Kaleinar 150

or Sonnar 180. I'd like a lens that's sharp at least by f4, and also I like to

take portraits hand held. I'd appreciate the recommendations of people who have

used these lenses. I only shoot Black and White.


Thanks !



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Those f/2.8 teles are monsters, big and heavy...


Any of the lenses you mentioned will be fine. Some (or some versions) may not focus close enough for tight headshots, but this can easily remedied by using a short extension ring. But for portraiture even the mundane 80mm f/2.8 standard lens is sufficient if the subject is cooperative.


<img src="http://www.photo.net/bboard-uploads//00Gbca-30060084.jpg" hspace="5" vspace="10">


Kiev 60, Volna-3 80mm f/2.8 MC, Astia 100 (RAP)


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Sonnar 180/2.8 is great but really a beast to carry. I just came back shooting with it handheld, so yes, it doesn't *need* a tripod but it wouldn't hurt either. Depends on how much you work out. ;)


Biometar 120/2.8 on the other hand is not that much heavier and bigger than your normal 80mm, quite light for what it is actually. Mine is a bit "dreamy" wide open (that is to say soft in a good way) but it sharpens when stopped down even one stop.


I don't know about Kaleinars and Vegas, I've heard they're fine but as I happened to find Zeiss Jena stuff (above mentioned + 50/4) next to nothing I went there. I have the Arsat 80/2.8 which seems sharp enough for me (it's not easy to make actually bad standard lens...)

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I didn't shoot enough with them to talk about sharpness or anything, but I have here a

Vega 90/2,8 and Vega 120/2,8, (although in Kiev 88 mount), and as monsters, they are

only 350g and 450g weight.


The 90 is nice for very close portraits, personally, I don't like too long lenses for portraits,

because they look too flat to my eyes, and technically, because I usually take real-life

portraits, at home.


I would not recommend Kaleinar for handheld, nor Sonar 180, not only for their weight,

but for their lenght, wich both combines for uncomfortable use on a eye-level SLR.


If you have had a P6-K88, or are confident on your fingers' strenght, go for the big ones!

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