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Magenta/purple scans with nikonscan and vuescan

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I'm using a Coolscan IV since a few years(2002) and it has been working fine with both nikon scan and the

vuescan softs. I'm using the scanner both on MAC OS Tiger and Leopard.


Since a few days, it's impossible to get a scan of a slide( E6) without ending up with a completely

purple/magenta tint on the image. I have always scanned the photos without any corrections in the soft as

I prefer to color correct,levels,etc in PS. The scans would of course not be perfect but they didn't present

the tint. I have of course checked the slides are they are without tint.


I still manage to scan color negs(c41) but slides are a no-go.


Any help/hints would be appreciated!




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Well, i didn't change anything which kind of worries me. The only change is that I bought a

new macbook with Leopard on it instead of Tiger on my old powerbook. I downloaded a copy

of both softs from the web which installed without problem. In the beginning i thought it was

the new OS causing the probelm but when i hooked up the scanner to powerbook/tiger i

have the same problem. Maybe the scanner is on its last days...



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I have version I'm using the built in scanner profile with media set to

"image". If I change it to slide I get the same result.


I will delete Vuescan to see if it will have an effect on nikonscan.




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Save your old versions, just in case. I found renaming the exe screwed something up, so resorted to keeping them in folders name per the version. Also, save your vuescan settings (an .ini file). It's in the file pulldown, think it's called "save options". Also, try setting options to "default" and just resetting your preferences by hand. It's a bit labourious, but sometimes the new versions can conflict with old .ini files, and/or there's something that's indadvertantly been changed, that you overlooked.


What color balance are you using in the Color Tab, "White Balance"?

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Thanks for th tips. I have tried resetting everything that is possible to reset- no luck so



In the color tab I'm using 'none'.


I also tried to scan a slide on my old Epson 2450 with the vuescan soft and it came

out...perfect! I tried with different settings and it still came out well. I'm afraid the

coolscan is having a little problem.


I will keep on trying too see otherwise I will check what a repair could cost.


Thanks again.


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...do the Nikon scans still take the same amount of time, or do they go much slower than before?


...is density about right (darkness/lightness)?


I'd guess that if one or two of the LEDs had died, your exposure time and/or density would change dramatically.


Are you using a Kodachrome setting by accident?


What does Nikon say?

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@mendel: Color negs are just fine, no tweaking needed.


@john kelly: preview and scan times are as before. density is also fine but I do get this

horrible magenta tint. No,I did not use the Kodachrome setting.


@roger smith: I'm not sure i follow you here. Can you pls explain?Thanks.


Thanks again to all.


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