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EF24-70mm F2.8L USM with Xti body


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Before I purchased the 24-70mm F2.8L lens, I was told by a camera store owner

that it wouldn't be totally compatible with my Xti. This had to do with the

sensor I think. I was also told this was a tack sharp lens, but may not be

with the Xti body.


Did I receive inaccurate information? I have used it several times, mostly in

low light situations with a need for fast shutter (sports). Sometimes it works

well, sometimes not since I can't use a tripod. Sure wish it had IS on it.


Do I need an upgrade to my body in order to fully utilize this lens? Do I have

to go to the Mark series(which I can't really afford) or to a 40D?


Has anyone had a better experience or can give me any suggestions or insight?

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The camera store owner is an idiot. The reason your photos may not be tack sharp is due to shutter speed and motion blur. If you are shooting at an appropriate shutter speed for the FL, your photos should be sharp.


If you are doing indoor sports with low light, you are better off getting a fast prime.


My XTI works well with my 24-105L, 85mm f/1.2L, and 135mm f/2L...


Keep the camera and work on learning to enjoy and use your new lens!

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Thanks, I appreciate the advice. I really didn't want to upgrade as it fits my hand and I like the weight. Thanks also for the recommendations on lenses. I keep hearing good things about the 50mm f/1.4 and it's cheap. Should I go there or look at others?
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What ISO are you using? you may want to work with your camera settings you should be able

to get decent shots at 2.8 but remember that 2.8 is also a short depth of field. I have a 50 1.4

and it works very well in low light or without a flash but your dof gets really short at 1.4.

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"The camera store onwer is an idiot" I second this statement.


The XTi is compatible with all EF lenses, it's even a plus for shooting sport with the EF 70-200 f/2.8L since the 1.6x crop factor makes the lens 112-320.


Photos are not tack sharp can be due to two factors: techically - lacking of light, low shutter speed, and camera shake, mechanically - front or back focusings. IMHO, most of the time it's technical error. Put your camera/lens on a tripod, use a remote or the selftimer with Mirror Lock Up function on and shoot something.


Again the camera owner is an idiot, and he/she probably wanted you to spend your money on more expensive models


Here is what I got directly from Canon website..


EF & EF-S Lenses

The EOS Digital Rebel XTi is compatible with all Canon lenses in the EF lineup, ranging from ultra-wide angle to super telephoto lenses, and including Canon's EF-S series lenses, manufactured specifically for Canon?s APS-C sized digital sensor.



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50mm F1.8 with XTI - at ISO 1600 - for indoor Tae Kwon Do tournament worked fine for me. If you need a bit farther reach than 70mm, maybe a 85mm 1.8 or 100mm 2.0? I am debating between these too.


I have a question for you though, do you feel the XTI body and 24-70L lens package un-balanced?



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>>>"I was also told this was a tack sharp lens, but may not be with the Xti body"<<<


That is a saleman talking. He figures if you can afford the 24-70, you can afford a 5D or something.


Don't listen to him. Infact you will find in some ways it is better with the smaller sensor due to the fact it use what we call the "sweet spot". The center most part of the image circle were it is the sharpest, has less light fall off, less CA and so on. Not that the 24-70 has real issue with any of that.


If you like the XTi size, then good for you and happy shooting! You may want to try a battery grip on it sometime. Feels much better to me. But that is just me. :o)



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>>> Before I purchased the 24-70mm F2.8L lens, I was told by a camera store owner that it wouldn't be totally compatible with my XTi. This had to do with the sensor I think. I was also told this was a tack sharp lens, but may not be with the XTi body. <<< (PW)


The camera store owner could indeed be FOS and an idiot: but on the other hand, none of us being at the conversation the report of the conversation quoted above could simply mean:


1. > it wouldn't be totally compatible with my XTi <


Store owner: This lens, essentially, was designed for a 135 format camera, like a film SLR, and on those cameras it is a standard zoom, it is not the best suited standard zoom for an XTi as it will not really give you a wide view = `not totally compatible`


2. > I was also told this was a tack sharp lens, but may not be with the XTi body. <


Purchaser: Is this lens really sharp?


Store Owner: This is one of the sharpest zoom lenses Canon makes, though on some occasions there might be an adjustment required, to ensure it is tack sharp on any particular body: it might not be tack sharp on your XTi, if not it can be adjusted. = `it might not be sharp with my body. `


IMO this interpretation should be contemplated in the interests of balance.


Not all sales people are AHoles, especially note it was the store OWNER: owners are usually thinking `long term customer relations`, and perhaps he/she just made the mistake of giving too MUCH information in the first instance.



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WW (Retired) points well taken. However, when one is purchasing equipment that may costs thousands, they had better well be able (esp. the owner) to explain it in the simplest of terms.


You are right we have no way of knowing what was said.

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The camera store owner is not an idiot, he thinks you are. Actually that lens could perform better on your body than say a 5D. This is because your smaller sensor only used the central area (sweet spot) of the lens. He was just trying to get you to buy a body you don't need. If I were you I'd never shop there again. You can't trust him.
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Thanks for all your input. I think it's just going to take some time to get used to it. As for your question, i2 lovefishing, I don't feel like it's out of balance with my XTi. It's very easy to handle.


Basically, I just needed to find out if it's a "operator" problem or a technical issue. Sounds like it's definitely an "operator" problem which should be much easier to rectify.


As to the whole store owner issue, it is entirely possible that he was referring to the crop factor at 1.6x versus having a full frame model. Overall, I'm very happy I purchased it.

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