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RAW to Jpeg conversion of 1TB hard drives keeping directory structure

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I have a bit of a dilema as most might have as well. I have about 3.5TB of RAW

images in various directories ie. 20080301_NewYorkCabs For many months I have

searched for a solution that takes the source disk (yes disk and not directory

by directory) and does a NEF to Jpeg conversion placing the destination

directory on another hard drive or directory keeping the same source structure.

So at the end of the day I would have full sized Jpegs and psd's in the same

directory structure as the source. That make sense?


I have been in other forums and asked but the solutions were using the typical

photoshop solutions and it does not make a dup directory structure as the source.

Any ideas?




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P.S. now I am shooting RAW + Jpeg and after my RAW adjustments just moving the

RAW to DVDs however I haven't been that smart over the years nor had a

system/camera to do the work.

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Are *all* the file names unique? If so you could move all your raws to a single directory, and then start your raw processor and do a batch output of jpeg's. How many directories are involved? Probably safest just to move the contents by hand, using Windows Explorer.


If a really large and/or complicated structure is involved, XXCopy is a free command line utility that can "flatten" directories. It can be instructied on what to do if it encounters duplicate names. XXCopy can make directory name a suffix of the file name, if you like.

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yeah, that would work if it wasn't several TBs of information. How long would it take just to copy 1 tb? I understand what you're asking but I don't know that there are tons of people needing to convert 3.5 TB of images and keep the directories. You may have some trouble, if you haven't guessed.
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Actually, you could try Irfanview....


Irfanview has an option in its Batchmode to include all subdirectories for conversion and another option to recreate directory structure on the outputside. The questions are ...


... will Irfanview recognise your NEFs?


... will you be happy with the conversion output? (Irfanview is certainly not the greatest raw converter ... in fact, I'm not sure it even recognises a lot of raw formats ... it does recognise canons crw/cr2).


... will irfanview work with an extremly large number of files to convert? (The conversion will take ages anyway).

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Do you know anything about computer programming? What RAW converter do you want to use? This would be a short 10-15 line Perl script to traverse the dir structure and use dcraw and cjpeg to do the conversion. If you don't know how to do it find a 14 year old kid who knows Linux and give him 2 six packs of Coke. He'll have it written in 5 minutes.
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