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Just bought a used L lens online...


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When I receive it, is there anything that I could/should do to have it

evaluated? I have no reason to expect that it is in anything but perfect

working order, but unless the pictures I take with it have something pretty

obviously wrong with them, I'm afraid that I might not know any better. I've

read often here about people having a lens "calibrated". Since I won't have

the warranty on it, is this even an option for me? If done without a warranty,

what does this cost typically? I'm guessing I'll wait until I get it (likely

early next week), take some shots with it and see how they look. In the

meantime though, I thought I'd go ahead and ask this question (just in case).



As usual, thanks in advance for any any all guidance.




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You try it in Aperture mode with all the different aperture settings to make sure the apterture is workign right.


Then Chech autofocus accuracy front/back focus by lining up some film boxs or batteries and setting ech one back about 1" from the next and 3" side to side. Focus on the one in the middle and make sure it's the sharpest in the picture. If one of the closer or further ones is sharpest, thats front or back focus and would need calibration.


I would also like to know how much that costs, as I've just received an old Minolta AF 28 1.8 that's back focused by 2". Gotta love Ebay. I'll be calling Sigma today for an estimate, I would guess about $50 though.


Buying online is fine if you work with a reputalbe dealier like B&H or Adorama, Keh. But if it's a no name place check them out on resellerratings.com. Ebay is hit and miss. I've gotten mostly good deals but sometimes just crap.

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Photographers are NOT great ebayers, they always bid the item up 5 days before the auction ends - whats the point in that. Don't bid until the last minute please. I buy eurpoean bike stuff on ebay and get great deals but on camera goods the auctions go above the regular store price.
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Given the price of used lens on ebay I see no point, usually you can buy from a BH for a only few dollars more especially if you don't pay the sales tax if you live out of NY state. Is the $100 you save worth it?


If you live in UK or Eurozone buying on ebay from Hong Kong or USA may be worth it as long as you don't get stung for import duty/sales tax etc.

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The lens is a 100-400 IS and I saved a lot more than $100 (at least $400 and maybe $500, counting taxes, relative to a new one).



I missed the opportunity to by a new one with the $100 rebate and figured I'd take a chance on a used one. A new one also would have become used after 1 picture, right? All I see that I'm missing out on, if it's in good condition, is the warranty (and that's only 1 year). The seller has very positive feedback and has sold some other big ticket items. There were multiple digital pictures of the lens and it included an offer to send a picture taken with it (which I didn't request).



Thanks for the feedback. Like I said, I feel pretty comfortable with what I'm getting, but I am a realist and wanted to know what options I might have if I do find a problem with it.

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I sold that exact same lens a while back. The buyer (from the UK) got a pretty good deal and a pretty much perfect lens with all the trimings. So it is very possible and likely to buy a good lens for a good deal. If you think the used prices on E-bay are bad, look at the ones on B&H. I love B&H, but rarley would I think of buying used from them.


As said above, you have to look at the rating of the seller.



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