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Anyone have any decent photos they have taken with a Contax G1?


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Hi Darius, that really is a disappointment. Some really liked the smaller size of the G1. I gave my G2 to my daughter. I have a 16mm stashed as she would have never used it. The G2 really is a decent camera, regardless of what its detractors say. I hope you find one that you can get by the "accountant".
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Well, it's not a G2, it's a G1. I had a G2 once. Bought the entire set new, back in the States,

can't remember if it was 1200 or 1600 bucks. The G2 was great, but could not expose



Of course I sold it. Seriously if I can get this G1 to start taking good pics, I will not sell it.

There is simply nothing else in its class, and AF rangefinder with interchangeable lenses.


Oh, so today I used it in the park and I am cool with the interface, and at f16 I am sure all

the shots will be in focus. It's the wide aperture shots I am curious about, as well as slow

shutter speed work.

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Frank, I think he was just curious for a look at your work. I wouldn't mind a look, if it is possible. No need to be defensive, really. I don't think anyone is casting aspersions on your work. If there was any challenge in Jeff's remarks, it was probably regarding skepticism of the G cameras to produce professional results, not your ability to do so.





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Darius, in your origional post you said your have owned 5 G1, and 2 G2's, and not been able to get good photos off of them and their lenses. I suggest that maybe its not the cameras that are at fault. There is very little difference between the G1 and the G2 as far as how the camera's work, and no differences between the lenses. If you have tried that many cameras, I would suggest that this camera is not for you.If you are looking for a 35mm film camera with a wide angle lens I would suggest the Konica Hexar AF,camera which has a beautiful sharp lens in a quieter body with most features of the Contax G series.
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I have used a G2 and a G1 with a 45mm and I had focus issues with both cameras, could be

me but since I read it happened to others, well... The G1 also had a problem with the shutter,

every 3 or 4 pictures I would have a blank picture.

Anyhow, really liked the camera but I don't have them anymore.

I guess using it with a wide angle could have solved my focus issues.

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I have a G2 and have used it from time to time over the last 4 years when I wasn't shooting digital SLR's. Auto focus has been spot on and any out of focus shots were my fault. Manual focus is difficult but can be mastered. Frankly I prefer the old fashion twist the lens barrel school of design for manual focusing. I bought the outfit for the auto focus feature because I have always had a problem with manual RF focusing due to my lousy eyesight. A problem, that is until I took the plunge and bought a Leica M8. I am now so hooked on Leica that I have purchased and am waiting for a used M4P-70 Jahre for my film work.


For improving your manual focusing, go to http://contaxg.com/ and especially http://www.rangefinderforum.com/ and look for relevant forum topics or start your own thread. Both are very helpful in managing an idiosyncratic but wonderful camera.

I will be selling mine soon with three lenses, etc, because I have simply run out of room and it duplicates my Leica stuff.

But, the Contax G2 was and is always a wonderful camera to own and use.


Happy shooting.

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