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Fuji Superia 100 CN -- suitable for fashion ?


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Hi All,


Sorry to keep bugging about films, but just like the fact that I shoot in ISO

100 even on my digital SLR.


So, since the Fuji film I've got at the moment has a speed of ISO 160 (also

balanced to daylight) I was wondering whether anyone here ever shot fashion with

Fuji Superia 100 CN and whether the results are as sharp and vivid as they

(Fuji) say they are.


Any feedback would be great - or even better if you have sample images you





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Superia 100 is a good film. I shoot it a lot in both 35mm and 120.


Reala is also nice. Same speed.


As for 160 film, colour negative film will easily take a 2/3 stop overexposure and not miss a beat. You can shoot 160 negative film at 100 just fine, although shooting it at 160 instead of 100 is not difficult. :)

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Reala is probably the sharpest negative film. With medium format, i think the differences

within ISO groupings is probably negligible until you magnify pretty significantly.


My feeling is that the most popular film in fashion these days is the Kodak Portra range.

Probably NC, but it depends on the photographer and situation (light).


As noted above, 120 and 220 films are for any medium format camera. But, whether your

camera can use 220 depends on the camera/model/film back. What are you shooting?

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