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28-70 f/3.5-4.5 - Decent lens?


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I've been upgrading my lenses- And have been looking for something wider to fill

the MAJOR hole that I have (Currently I have a 50mm 1.8 and a 70-200 f/4 L

w/IS). Since I just bought the 70-200 L, the budget is little tight at the

moment, so I am looking for a relatively inexpensive lens to get me by until I

can afford to upgrade to a better wide angle zoom.



I have a chance to get a 28-70 f3.5-4.5 for a pretty good price- and have read a

lot of good things about the lens- Does anyone have any experience with it? I

have read they are kind of slow and loud in the AF department, not too important

to me- I am more interested in the sharpness than anything.


I'm not expecting it to be up to the level of my "L" series- But is it going to

be enough of a step up from my 18-55 kit lens to make it worthwhile? Thanks



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It seems to have pretty respectable test results here.. http://www.photozone.de/reviews


But not quite as good as the 18-55 sample they tested. There is varrience in image quality from lens to lens. So you may get a good one or a so so one. But if the gap in the focal lenght bothers you, I'd say go for it. You can always sell it on Ebay later if you upgrade.

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It's a great lens, but 28-70 on a film camera is the same as 45-112 on your camera, so no wide angle. It will not replace the 18-55 kit lens directly. I've seen test results in other publications that show it has the same levels of sharpness and all the rest as 28-70/2.8 pro lenses from Sigma, Tokina, and whoever else that were made at the same time. I strongly advise you to get a center pinch lens cap for it.
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Thanks for the responses... It's less than $100, so I'm going to give it a shot!


I suppose I should clarify A bit- I realize that it isn't a wide angle, but it is wider than anything that I am using now (I have more or less abandoned the kit lens after seeing what a 'REAL' lens can do!)

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Are you really going to be able to live with nothing wider than 45mm (film equivalent)? Have you thought about the 18-55mm IS? It's $180 now, but I would expect the price to drop once the XSi comes out in April, since it's only selling for a $100 premium in the kit version.
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