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Nikon D40


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I just want to get some opinions on the Nikon SB600 and 800 speedlights. I

have a D40 that I would like to get a non-body flash for, and these were

recommended by others here on the site, as well as at the local camera store.

The 600 seems to cost the most that I would like to pay, but I can wait a

little longer if there is a real advantage to the 800 instead.


Can anyone give me some thoughts and ideas on these? Which is more

recommended? Why would you use one over the other?

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This question is asked about twice a month in this forum.


"Which is more recommended?"


> The SB-800.


"Why would you use one over the other?"


> I would use the SB-600 if I wanted to save money; and I generally recommend it as a first Speedlight and the SB-800 as a second purchase because I feel the biggest advantage of the SB-800 over the SB-600 is using it as a master flash (something you can't do with the SB-600, which only works as a slave flash).

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I agree with the advice that you are getting, the sb600 is a great flash, and the sb800 is only worth the extra money if you really need it, and as Anthony says the greatest difference is that an sb800 can fire a remote sb600.
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Thanks for the help. I am probably going to get the 600 for now, and then will work towards the 800 and other lighting as time goes on. I'm trying to build some of my own lighting using tutorials I found online for softboxes and such, so maybe with those savings I can get a better hot shoe flash later.
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