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Older leica vs. Canon FD: experience?


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I inherited some Leica equipment, but I'm considering selling it. It includes a couple of M3s, and older

lenses, such as the DR 50 Summicron, 90 f2 Summicron (black canada non-asph), 35 1.4 Summilux

(canada non-asph) and 21 2.8 Elmarit (black canadian, non-asph).


I already have a Canon FD system with prime lenses (28 2.8, 50 1.4, 135 2.8) and could use the $$ to buy

a Nikon 9000 scanner.

I also have a Mamiya 6 that I can use for high-quality landscape, which is mostly what I do. I'm wondering

if any have compared overall lens performance between Canon FD and older Leica. Is there really a

noticeable difference? I find the Leicas awkward to use, especially the ergonomics of the lenses. I'm also

worried about future repair bills.




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"I find the Leicas awkward to use"


Well, if that's so, then perhaps you've answered your own question: Sell the Leica gear and use the cash for other needs.


If the rangefinder experience doesn't suit you, then the issue of relative quality of lenses is kind of moot. On the other hand, you say that you use a Mamiya 6, so how is the Leica "awkward to use"?

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I find the Mamiya much easier to use, even though a rangefinder. It balances extremely well,

even with a long lens, and the hand grip really helps. I find when I pick up the Leica my hand

naturally covers the inner range finding window, and I never seem to get to the right place on

the lenses for either focus or f-stop. I would, however, practice with them if I thought the

lens quality could beat the more modern Canon in the end.


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I have both systems and have used them since I started in photography. There are really excellent Canon FD lenses, and Canon SLRs like the F-1 series are right up there with Leica build quality.


I do think some of your Leica lenses are great and will outperform the Canons. In my experience, the 50mm DR Summicron is better than the Canon FD 50mm f1.4, but behind the Canon FD 50mm f3.5 Macro, for example. The 35mm f1.4 Summilux is great, and at f2.8 and up will dominate the Canon FD 28mm f2.8 (but not the 24mm and 28mm f2's). The 21mm Elmarit Pre-Asph is a good lens (but terribly big and heavy) for which you have no analogue in your Canon kit. I do know that I much prefer Leica-compatible 21's like the Zeiss and the VC to my Canon FD 20mm f2.8 which has been sitting on the shelf for a while.


As to repairs, it might be easier to get Leica gear repaired these days than FD gear. A "modern" MP has more in common with an M2 or M3 than a modern EOS has with an F-1.


You have the kit ... take it out and shoot with it for a while and make your own call.

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Depends. As a more or less 'collector' I'd keep the Leica stuff just to have it. I don't know what FD equipment you have, but those are still terrific systems and far more useful as 'users' than you would ever get selling them. I got a AE-1 Program and a set of zooms and a nice f/1.4 50mm for next to nothing.
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I'm an FD shooter myself, FTB, 50 1.8, 28 F2.8 300mm F4(?) and a 2x. I acquired an M3 body last year and am waiting to get a lens once I get the money, but I did get a loaner lens and got to shoot it. Can't speak as to Leica lens quality tho. What I just wanted to say was, maybe give the Leica a chance. It's a different way of working compared to a camera with an internal meter and will just take some time to sort out, but while you have the equipment at least use it and experience something different. Not to many people actually get the chance you have gotten. And yea your hand will get in the way sometimes, but it won't take long to make the changes necessary. It would be a shame to pass the equipment along just to add to an old FD system. In fact I now keep my FD in another state so when I go there to visit the parents I don't have to carry a camera along. My primary shooter now is a Nikkormat which I like better; Well at least till I get a lens for the Leica. I say give it a chance, develop some pictures and learn to judge the light without a meter. See how it works out after a dozen rolls.
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Yeah, what everyone else said, but I'd like to ask where'd you inherit it from? Any sentimental value? Might be worth keeping one of the M3s and a 50 if it means anything to you outside of making photographs. A lot of the Leica experience (bear with me, folks) has to do with how the photographer feels, rather than the photograph produced.
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I go with Gary about what the photographer feels like while working. So here is my proposition: Say, for 4 weeks, take along a M3 with the 50. Be as patient with yourself as you can be..., shoot as much as you possibly can, capture everything you feel like capturing with this combo. If the Leica pictures are different and interesting, keep one M3 and do the next round with another lens. Anything that doesn't sing, sell it. A 9000 isn't cheap but what a machine! It crumbles beneath a drum scanner though.....


If your 35mm doesn't have goggles for your M3, then sell it right away. It's still quite a valuable lens (as are all your Leica lenses).





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I like the gear you have I didn't see if you have an F1 but I would get one myself if I didn't already have a Nikon F3hp, and a Pentax LX.


You also have the nice Mamiya 6, quiet as a Leica and prints better.


I would sell all the Leica gear add an 85mm to your FD system and an F1.


Also, if you take landscapes mostly maybe a Horizon or Noblex 35mm panoramic camera for real wide angle to go along with the Mamiya 6.

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