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Price on Elmar 35mm?

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I have an Elmar 35/3.5 in very good condition, coated. Both correct

caps included. No haze, fungus or anything. The aperture ring is very

smooth and you don't break any nails in using it :-). The

serialnumber is 654394 (from 1948). What is the going price for such

a lens?


I'm selling it because I use the summaron 35/3.5 with 39mm filter



BTW: I have a full set of Leica ltm gear in original leather case

(you know the brown one with several inserts for camera and lenses,

accessories, etc). I have a IIIF, Elmar 35/3.5, Elmar 50/3.5, Elmar

90/4.0 and Hektor 135/4.5. All lenses have correct rear and front

caps. There are 4 A36-filters (yellow, orange, red and UV). There are

a VIOOH finder, SHOOC finder (135mm) and SBOOI finder (50mm). Hoods

are FIKUS and FISON. The case is also fitted with the BELUN 1:1 macro

device plus the VALOO hood/aperture setting ring for Elmar 50/3.5. It

also contains the NOOKY near focusing device for Elmar 50/3.5 and a

correct thread release. Everything (!) fits smoothly in the case and

is extremely compact!!


The camera and 50/3.5 and 90/4.0 plus the VIOOH finder has been

CLA'ed at Malcolm Taylor 1 year ago. The other lenses are 100% OK and

did not need a CLA. What's the price for such a collection? I may

keep the IIIF and sell the rest as I have a Nikon 50/1.4 SC in ltm,

which I use for available light with the IIIF.


Kind regards

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Thomas - Prices for Screwmount lenses depend entirely on condition. I tend to keep a watch on such prices as I still use a screwmount outfit. I have been half heartedly (I am not a seller) offered £500 for a virtually new 1936 Elmar 50mm in original tissue and box and with full provenance (only 2 owners) so I would think a 35mm of the same age would be similar or slightly more. Post war prices tend to be lower and on some lenses a coated version is less than an uncoated(Summars for instance)If you don't have the box, original tissue, and provenance these prices can be cut by 60% - 70% even if the lens is in top class order. Malcom Taylor is a top class repairer so he should be able to indicate a price for you especially if he knows your gear. Condition is everything with Screwmount gear. good luck. I still use my 35mm Elmar.
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From the Leica International Price Guide, Hove Seventh Edition, 1997:


35mm Elmar Nickel heavy cam. R7 $350


35mm Elmar Nickel R4 $350


35mm Elmar chrome R2 $300


35mm Elmar chrome postwar R4 $450


The R number is for "rarity." Based on the 1948 date, your postwar was listed (in 1997) at $450 in average condition. The listings on KEH Camera Brokers website can be helpful for a current update.

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last November I was in the market for a 3.5cm and at the large camera show in vancouver BC there were two of these post war A36 3.5cm f3.5 Elmars both in average condition with no damage but as with 95% of all screw mount lenses in need of a cleaning both were in the $240.00 to $250.00 USD range. I ended up bying a very very nice A-36 3.5cm f3.5 Summaron for the equal of $235.00 USD and after a quick $50.00 CLA by my local guy it's in great shape. Take this for what it's worth. Leica dealers seam to ask Leica prices for stuff I have found it much better to by from someone who just happens to have some Leica stuff for sale IMHO
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