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Another wedding Marketing Question-Best way to get leads ?


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I've worked for a photo agency for the past year and have now branched out on my

own in the wedding photography industry and so far have booked at least 3

weddings. Well, I need to book more LOL!

I'm not doing a lot of heavy marketing but thinking I NEED to do more. I live in

a rural area so there isn't much of a competition (town of 8,000)-although this

town is a tourist destination.


here are some things I've done-Does anyone have any other ideas?? It woulld

surely help :))


1) I've approached s few venues (Inns & Spas & small hotels) & offered them FREE

advertisement for their property by placing a link of their website on my

website etc. They've agreed in exchange for referrals but I'm not sure how

effective that would be.

-Also considered approaching florists, bakers other wedding pros -caterers etc.

but any ideas on what I should exchange with them-don't want to geive them too

many FREE photos etc.


2) Considering joining a special events networking group-for a fee of course and

membership is on a wait list for photographers- not sure if that would be awaste

of marketing dollars??


3) Google ads? Search Engine Keywords?


4) Typing up some press release about myself & sending it to magazines plus

offering to send my photos to bridal guides for publication etc?? (Free publicity)


5) Joined a chamber of commerce networking group & joined a local trade show.


No results yet just a lot of inquires & a lot compliments on my photos ...but

we all know that we need the bookings to make a living???


Any advice or help???


Thanks much :)

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Chicken & the egg.


It just takes time.


The best source for new clients are from referrals from those who like what you did for



However, your web site and other associations can help such as a wedding bridal.


It depends how large of a business you operate or want to operate and the client

demographics you seek to hire you to how successful you want to be or become.

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In our area, Mid-Hudson Valley, NY there's a great planning resource:

HudsonValleyWeddings.com we advertise on that and it's been good.

I also recently joined WeddingWire.com, which is free since it's in beta mode. Lots of hits, but nothing solid yet. I made sure that we're listed in Yahoo!local, and I think it helps to contact venues, but haven't seen much from that direction yet. I'm trying to target smaller venues(as opposed to the "wedding mills"), backyard weddings, offbeat locales, etc. This is our first year, but I'm very encouraged!

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As others have said, it does take time. Here's just a couple of things I do that really help:


* I do bridal fairs, and i work my tail off networking with the other vendors. I'm interested in what they do, what they want, what their challenges are. And if I can help by offering photos I always do and I do it for no or low cost.


* After every wedding I pick out 2-3 images for every vendor from that wedding, I print them locally with my logo on the front (I opt for speed of printing rather than pro-lab quality) and hand deliver (if I can), this is a bit time consuming but brilliant for marketing. I get referrals from vendors all the time now and brides see my work whereever they go (florist, suit hire, makeup lady etc etc). Plus it's fun to yak with other people in the industry and it helps combat the 'working from home blues' :-)


* Have a good website with a blog and update it often so you can build relationship with potential brides before they even come to see you.


Hang in there, you're on the right track!

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Make the first three brides very happy and your bound to get plenty of referals. I try to go all out for my couples. Give them a little extra something they didn't pay for or ask for. Like a small framed portrait from the engagement session or nice slide show on a DVD.


So often photographers charge for every little thing the client loves the fact they received something for free it goes along way.


Good luck

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The seaon always starts slow. I think your advertising is fine. By April you should start seeing more activity. Contunue knocking on doors and offer to leave albums and enlargements, plus about 15 cards. Every 2 months or so ask if they need more cards, by showing up, not calling. We have a florist friend that supplies flowers for dispay.
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TC, the fruits of your labor will pay off. Now, with a town of 8000. How many weddings were there last year? Find out who is getting the bulk of the market share. This will give you a better understanding of your competition. You may want to meet with them to see if they can refer you if they are booked. I regularly refer other photographers who I feel do good work. Visit bridal shops and see if they would let you display one 16x20 and an complete wedding album plus business cards. Do something that no one else is doing and stand out in the crowd. I ordered pens from Pens.com and hand them out like crazy. I see my pens everywhere. Now, here is my pitch for the day. Get rid of the word FREE from your vocabulary and substitute it with INCENTIVE. One more thing, everyone is showing traditional albums. Put together a nice flush mounted coffee table style book of one of your complete weddings. This will make you shine.
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I lived for years in a town of 8000 that is a MAJOR tourist destination. Have you taken a moment to go to the hotels with a nice sample of your work and speak to the sales or conference people? I would probably wait until you have current samples from your coming weddings. Our conference co-ordinator has, I see, six portfolios from local photographers on her shelf. (I'm writing from work.) Have you got notes on the local venues - height of ceilings, natural and artificial lighting, outdoor spots, etc? A out-of-town bride is a nervous bride, and a recommendation from the hotel people will definitely get them to check your website. The best lead is a referal.
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We are in a town of 5000--takes nearly 5 years to "get into" a venue around here. The coordinator will not even receive your invitation to visit...if they are past their quota. Usually 5 photographers on the list > max. One must wait until a photographer retires or moves from the area. We have been here for 20 years jockeying for a position ....Simply offer payment/referral to the photographers > thats are approach.
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