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Holes in front of lens


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Matt,<br><br>It is not.<br>It means someone had problems taking the ring off (should have used a rubber stopper), and it either wouldn't budge (which would be indicative of mechanical damage, i.e. the barrel no longer being perfectly circular), or he or she just didn't know how to do it (which could also mean the job he or she did was not a good one).
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Someone most likely drilled the holes in order to get a spanner lens wrench on the ring. The lens may work just fine and the downside to this may only be cosmetic. To assume that the lens is jacked up and not mechanically sound is not really fair.


There are many ugly people that are beautiful on the inside. :>)


The thing you do need to consider from this particular seller is shipping costs and the lens costs and whether the total price that you will pay for the lens is worth what you're paying when compared to so many others out there in the used market.


When dealing on eBay....know your seller. Feedback is everything and though I don't want to accentuate the negative....you really should seek out the negatives on a seller in order to see how he handles problems when they arise. It's very easy to be a good seller when there are no problems. If you want a great website tool to be able to check only the negatives and neutrals of a seller use this: http://www.toolhaus.org/


Every good seller can get a jerk buyer who leaves a negative no matter what you do...but you can get an idea of how a seller takes care of problems by looking at the negs. Also consider the positives too.


Most all sellers have problems. The good ones separate themselves from the pack by how they handle those problems. If someone has 1000 feedbacks and not one neutral or negative then you can know that they're going to take care of you because I assure you they've had problems along the line with that many feedbacks.


Let us know what you decide.

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Well thanks for the responses. I am in the market for a 50mm C of CF T* and have been watching ebay and other sites. I have come across this seller and have been pretty surprised at their "rating" system. I'd imagine their "Excellent" rating to be poor, and "excellent+" to be marginal at best. But the kicker was when I saw this lens rating as excellent. I had hoped that such a high volume seller would perhaps be a little more reliable. The numerous feedback was slightly reassuring, but I'm convinced now that seller should not be trusted.


If you want some fun, look at all the other Hasselblad items that this seller is selling and the, in my opinion, generous ratings attributed to them.


I was never planning on purchasing this lens, but I'm thankful the members of this board were watching out for my well being.

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Run, run, run away as fast as you can!


"The lens may work just fine and the downside to this may only be cosmetic. To assume that the lens is jacked up and not mechanically sound is not really fair."


Maybe. But why deal with a vendor who sells items which have obviously been abused? Yes, causing damage by using the wrong tool to do the job is abuse. And where there is obvious abuse there's probably more that is unseen.

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KEH 'ugly'


I had one, bought as part of a kit 15 years ago. I sold the 50/4 a few years later for $1250. I haven't followed the market since, so don't know a fair price for it today, but $500 doesn't seem that bad, considering that I used to dabble in Leica gear. David Odess can check it for you for a nominal price and may be able to replace the ring.

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On the middle picture it looks like the barrel has some dents and is not totally round... which could explain the difficulty in getting the ring out. And is probably why the seller took the other pics with the lenscap on. A high volume seller, maybe, but a totally forthcoming one, not. The optimistic ratings, combined with the excessive shipping charges, have steered me away from this seller in the past...
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E-Bay has just made a controversial change to how their Ratings system operates.

Disreputable E-Bay Sellers in the past have used a heavy-handed approach to negative

ratings from justifiably disgruntled buyers by slamming the buyer with negative feedback

themselves to keep them in line. Most of these sellers deal in much greater volume than

the average buyer so - on a percentage basis - it will have a much more negative impact

on the buyer's rating. They will no longer be able to do this - unfortunately this will bring

with it a new set of problems...


I agree with the posters who have passed negative comment on this seller's (TMR

Productions) "rating" system for equipment. If it wasn't so laughably inaccurate it would

be criminal...


You will note that almost all of their stuff - with their (deliberately?...) poor photos - is on

a high "Buy it Now" basis only - if their sales were true auctions on E-Bay, they would get

a fraction of their "Buy it Now" figures for most of the items they sell.


"Caveat emptor" is particularly true on E-Bay. However, there are enough good people-

selling stuff that has been well-cared for - that you don't have to deal with sellers like this




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I'll still hold to my point. You have to judge gear individually. Just because something is ugly doesn't mean it doesn't work perfectly.


Now considering price, shipping methods and cost, customer service, integrity. That's just as important obviously.


Far be it from me to defend TMRpromotions. I think his listings and feedback speak loudly and clearly if one takes the time to delve into it.


I think sellers who practice business as he appears to do lends to the negativity that causes some potential buyers to stay away from eBay.


You said it best...caveat emptor is in full play. Know your sellers. There are very good sellers out there so seek them out.

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The seller, TMRPromotions, is an egotistical twit. That would have been my first clue as to the quality of whatever he/she is/was offering for sale. The second would have been this turkey's extreme shipping costs wants (in the case of TMR, never less that 2X actual cost). Stay away from this bozo - far away.


Don't get me wrong - there is a great deal of good stuff for sale there; one must sift and sift and ...

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The seller, TMRPromotions, is an egotistical twit. That would have been my first clue as to the quality of whatever he/she is/was offering for sale. The second would have been this turkey's extreme shipping costs (in the case of TMR, never less that 2X actual cost). Stay away from this bozo - far away.


Don't get me wrong - there is a great deal of good stuff for sale there; one must sift and sift and ...

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