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e510 electronic cleaning


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I recently bought an evolt 510, I had an evolt 500 for a couple of years, then

upgraded to the 510..I have two questions...1. when I turn the camera on now

the display doesn't show that the sonic cleaning is taking place, could I have

accidently turned this function off, I couldn't find anything in the manual

about this. 2. When I work with the RAW files I shoot it tells me that my

sharpness setting is "SOFT" how do I change this to get a sharper image? 3.

Since I changed to the 510, my Photoshop cs2 will not open the RAW files, is

there a solution for this other than upgrading to cs3....One comments here too,

it seems to me that the olympus master software is sadly pathetic when working

with RAW files. Any way, I appreciate your help with these issues.


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When the e510 is first powered a small led on the top indicates the cleaning is operating.


there is a sharpness setting from the menu to adjust in camera sharpening. The setting ranges from -2 to +2.


there is a good reference here that will describe many of the e510 setup parameters here:


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Thanks Randy, I see the blue sswf light blink when I turn the power on but the LCD screen doesn't show the Olympus logo and at start up,it used to come on at start up but doen't do that any more. Is this ok, or is there a problem with it not showing up.


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