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Interesting garter catch shots?


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I had a thought about this and wanted some ideas. For some time now, I've

observed strange behavior at weddings (who hasn't?) and I might be contributing

to it. Years ago, I saw a single guy catch the garter at a wedding, then he

proceeded to triumphantly put it on his head like a headband, then run around

acting silly. I thought it was hilarious and snapped away. Since then, I've

goaded these guys into doing the same thing, and often times, they do it on

their own. Sometimes it's too tiny to fit their big heads, and they put it on

their upper arm and pose for shots.


I ask the question rhetorically, but where does this weird custom come from?

Who knows? I guess there isn't much else you can do in pictures with the garter

that's fun or funny. Or G-rated.


Maybe you all have some stories or ideas?

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I had a 10 year old catch the garter once, that was pretty funny. He had no idea.


But the best one I have is this shot which went went a bit over the top. He basically hung out under this woman's dress for 5 minutes. Notice the young kid starting from camera left.

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David: Great shot (I wish I also caught the garter, and if I did, you would not see my head for about a week).


Here is a shot I took when the bride's son caught the garter and the bride's neice caught the bouquet.


Any suggestions on how to handle this instance, since both kids are 10 and under?<div>00OTJX-41806784.thumb.jpg.7b3a4577a2fac7eaab80991c35bd2040.jpg</div>

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The guy wearing the garter on his head is common and rarely needs a propmt. What is sad is when none of the guys make the effort to catch it or pick it up. Don't think we can attribute that one to the alcohol though....just poor taste. The toss below was lit with an extra light, bounced/diffused on a light stand and triggerred by the 580EX.<div>00OTLT-41807684.jpg.58005f404bc22ab9bf824472a50c1806.jpg</div>
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I was at a wedding reception where the groom threw the garter and all the bachelors waiting to catch it grabbed their noses, moaned "EEEEEEWWWWW", and backed away from the garter lying on the floor... Oh well, at least the MEN in the room thought it was funny. The reception sure was quiet for a while. <p>

The big thing in my area now is to have the guy who catches the garter slide it on the thigh of the lady that catches the bouquet. <p>


So much for Al-K-Hol

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