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Fujinon 125 f/5.6 CM-W


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I have the prior version (Fujinon W 125mm f/5.6). I have been very happy with it. It is one of my favorite lenses. If I am not mistaken, the new CM-W version has a larger image circle. I have not used it, but Kerry Thalmann has positive comments about this lens, except for its 67mm filter size: http://www.thalmann.com/largeformat/wide.htm.

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Carlos, I recently purchased a Fuji 125 f5.6 CM-W to use on our Toyo 45A field cameras. I also have the Fuji 135 CM-W and the Fuji 150 CM-W, as well as seven other latest-model Fuji lenses of various focal lengths. A total of ten Fuji lenses. As you can see, I'm a Fuji enthusiast. All of the Fuji lenses were purchased from Jim, at Midwest Photo Exchange, with the exception of the 150 that was purchased from Jeff, at Badger Graphic. Compared to the lenses I was previously using (Nikons), the Fuji lenses are equal, or better. Fuji uses fewer cemented elements in their lens designs. Their EBC coating is outstanding. Eight of my lenses are mounted in small, light weight, latest style Copal 0 shutters. Fuji has standardized on the 67mm filter size, making it easy to use 67mm screw-in filters ,without the need to use step-up rings. Dollar-for-dollar, ounce-for-ounce, Fuji's are fine lenses. The 125 CM-W is a unique lens. It is one of the few lenses in that focal length that is not a wide angle design. However, it still covers the 4X5 format, with moderate movement capability. It has six elements, in five groups (only two cemented elements) with a 204mm image circle, and a 78 degree angle of coverage. The Fuji 135 CM-W has six elements, in six groups (no cemented elements) with a 214 image circle, and a 76 degree angle of coverage. Both are great lenses. Buy the one that you can get the best deal on.
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I own the older Fuji 125mm W 5.6 with the 46mm filter thread, and it's easily the sharpest lens I own- significantly sharper than my Fuji 250mm 6.3- which I consider to be very sharp (the 250's my favorite lens). I look at my trannies through a Peak 8-16x zoom loupe at the 16x setting, and image resolution and sharpness usually starts to break up significantly when I view images shot with my other lenses at that setting. With the 125mm it just like I'm walking deeper and deeper into the scene, rather than blowing the image up- it's kind spooky really. I don't think I'd use this lens for portraits!


Kerry Thalmann tried this lens recently, and he had to revise his future classics section to include the Fuji 125mm CM-W, along side the 120mm f5.6 Schneider Super Symmar HM.



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