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Problems with shutter curtains in 500C/M


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One week ago I bought a Hasselblad 500cm. When I looked at the

pictures on the light table, I discovered a black stripe (0.5cm) on

the pictures.

When I looked inside the camera body when pressing the shutter, the

upper curtain didn't go all the way up to the mirror. It stopped

45 degrees from the mirror.

Can anybody help me with this problem?


Sincerely T.Bentsen

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Just for the sake of accuracy... this is NOT a spring problem. This is a bent door problem. There is a direct drive that powers the doors. The spring-load is designed to give it some flexibility in operation. At one time the door was stuck up and the mirror was brought down on top of it, bending the door. It's a fairly common problem with these older bodies. It certainly needs to be repaired. The reason the door got stuck in the first place is of primary importance, in my mind. The bent door, although it ruins your shots, is only a symptom of more serious malfunctions. Let me know if you need more help.




PR Camera Repair, Flagstaff, AZ

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