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FM2 new plus 150U$ for Old FE2 an 180 2.8 AF

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I got a FM2n like new in the box I trade it for a 180 2.8 IF ED. As

a condition I had to sell my old FE2 that I previously bought in

bargain condition for 150 $us to the same gay for the same price.

I was surprised with the fact that the FM2 does not have auto

exposure, exposure compensation nor TTL. My other equipment includes

a N90s a 80-200 2.8 AF, a 24-85 F2.8-4 a 105 D.C. and a SB24. "I

read about a guy that fried his FE2 using a SB23".

I am little disappointed with the lack of this features in the new

camera and, If I want I could break the deal.

What would you do considering that:

1- The camera is for buck up

2- I have enough knowledge, not always the will, to handle the pure

manual stuff.

3- The 180 F2.8 AF was redundant to my 80-200.

4- I will get 150 Dollars for the Old FE2.

Thank you all in advance.

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I don't see how it makes any sense. What was the problem with your FE2? You must have known (well, I guess you didn't), that the FM2 is an all manual camera. Say goodbye to TTL flash control, if that was of value to you on the FE2. Lets see:<p>You pay: FE2 + 180mm f/2.8 AF ED<p>You get: FM2 + $150.<p>I'd say that your 180mm is worth far more than $150, even if you considered the FE2 to be equal to the FM2 in value.
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The FE2 would be a better backup if you aren't always inclined to meter manually and need TTL flash. The FM2N's advantage is that it will still function (sans meter) with no batteries. I would keep the FE2 and sell the 180mm f/2.8 outright. You could buy a second backup body (FM2N/FE2) and probably still have money left over.
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<i>... I was surprised with the fact that the FM2 does not have auto exposure, exposure compensation nor TTL.</i><P>

Why are you surprised - did you not research this camera beforehand? The full specifications are readily available to ANYONE with an internet connection and a simple search.<p>


The F<B><U>M</u></b> series, excluding the FM3A (A for <B><U>A</u></b>utoexposure) are <B><U>M</u></b>anual cameras. Manual exposure, manual focus, manual flash control.

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Reynaldo, the like-new FM2n is worth roughly $450 or $500, mainly because people LOVE the camera, and it is out of production, so new or nearly-new ones are rare.


You got your $150 back for the FE2 you bought. It was not in particularly great condition. Think of it as a camera that you got to use for a while for free. Not bad.


If your 180mm Nikkor is worth $450 or less, the trade is reasonable in terms of dollar value.


You should not have been surprised about the function of the FM2N. Never make a trade for equipment you do not understand! It is your job to know what the heck you are buying.


Be well,

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