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Gary Fong Lightsphere II


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I have just ordered the Canon 580EX II, and was wondering which GF lightsphere

to get. I think the clear with the cloud inverted dome will do the job for me,

but looking at Gary's website it is difficult to tell whether the universal LS

is available in clear or cloud? The website doesn't seem to give you the option

to choose. Does anyone know whether the Universal LS comes in clear?


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Hard to say, I had trouble last week and gave up, second look shows the whale tail a better diffuser overall, IF I get one I`ll order over the phone. only diff I saw with universal is onesize fits all..I need a diffuser that works in verticle


good luck

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I just got the univeral last Friday.I use it on the 580EXII and a 580EX. That is why I go the universal. I have yet to put it through the paces. As far as I could tell it only comes in cloudy, and I looked hard for the clear.


I am under the impression that the other lightspheres are flexible. The universal is not. It is ridgid. I did not like to find that out as it make it harder to store and carry. But if it works well I will live with it.


Also I am ditching the rubber band deal that comes with it because I use velcro around my flash head for various reasons. So I am going to but velcro on the tabs of the lightsphere along with the strap it comes with. I think it will be very secure with that.


It is a little pricey for what it is, but if it works, I will be happy.



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Yes, the effect of the cloud is really about the same as the clear but the cloud eats up lots more light than the clear. You will have

to add at least one stop extra flash compensation with the cloud, while with the clear, I only have to add about 2/3 stop or even

less if at close range. It takes some practice but I love it and I shoot most always with it on.


I leave the dome on all the time, and turn it forward when shooting outside for a catch light or if the subject is farther away.


However with the 580 ex2 when I don't want that big tupperware on my camera the little white card pop up works pretty well too

but the LS is well worth it and I really do keep it on most of the time.

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Picking up the point about eating batteries, I have found that using an external battery pack really makes a big difference and improves the recycle times considerably. A point to note is that continued use of the LS can put extra stress on the camera hot shoe, it is worth knowing how to remove the cover plate and tighten the four screws holding the hot shoe on the camera. I had this problem recently with my 1D MkII when I took over 1,000 flash shots in two days ? I found this link explains how to fix the problem quite well - www.conraderb.com/flashrepair/
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"I have a 580ex2 and mine is size 4 and it fits nicely."



Tommy, on Gary Fongs website in sayes that for the 580EX II you should choose the P2 size and for the 580EX the P4 size. Are the sizes much of a muchness when it comes to 580EX Vs 580EX II.


THanks for all the helpful info

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`Christopher Hartt, Feb 19, 2008; 10:50 a.m.


All the Fong spheres "eat" batteries. With the flash in a vertical orientation and reduced light returning to snesor - because of the distribution of flash, every flash is a full power pop.


Now I could not find stats for the LS2 clear, Is this why? or is this a wild stab, I`ve been using Omni`s which needs almost a stop comp like the Lumiquest but they don`t suit vert shots to well. the whale tail does appear to without changing domes and just adj flaps, for more $. but if so much light is lost it may not be worth it. Most of our shots are in restuarants and full power shots definately would not go down well with the ownwe managers.


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a P4 for the 580EX2 and uses s ")it


Hey Chris, can you clarify? Did you get the P2 for your 580EX II and it didn't fit? THis all seems a little unusual as it is in direct contradiction to the GF website, but if it works for you (and others) then Gary must have ballsed it up!

Thanks again

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I have not got one, P4 its what the agent told me, I queried the P2, there was a conflict in the name as well, in Oz it`s labelled `photojournal` or similar, but the same unit. I had probs with the site after hittin the buy now button. can someoneon else confirm


Colin thanks for tube links

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chris JB Feb 19, 2008; 06:25 p.m.:


The "battery eating" effect is due to both the flash being pointed at the ceiling - instead of a direct flash AND to the loss of light occasioned by the Lightsphere. As you tilt up a Canon flash (based on the detents marked on the flash), additional light is needed to maintain the exposure and the flash/body compensates by increasing the power of the flash - using more battery power. Couple that tilting reduction of light due to flash tilt with further loss caused by the LS and you have put a big load on the flash & batteries. I've seen people use external battery packs but the danger is that with the flash working at such a consistently high (full power) mode, the life of the flash is reduced. Also, as good as they are, Speedlights don't have the best longevity when paired with an external battery and a series of full power pops. All diffusers "waste" power to some extent.


I don't think the restaurant management is going to be more aware of the flash with an LS, but the flash will be more visible to the entire room than it would be more directionally.


Using the Omni becomes much easier for vertical shots if you use a 580 I or II. The head swivels and rotates so you can have the 45 degree in either P or L orientation.


Myself, I like the "look" of images produced by the Demb Diffuser a bit more than I do the look of the LS which often seems softer to the point of being distractingly soft. I'm not sure if this is because of the flash source being insufficient with the LS, or that the LS pictures often require an exposure compensation which many photographers accomplish by cranking up the ISO and creating noisier exposures or opening the aperture too far. The Demb and Omni diffusers aren't diffusing the light 360 degress, something more like a 160. That more directional distribution of the light from the Omni and Demb requires less battery and flash power thus extending the distance your flash is effective and reducing battery consumption. I don't have technical date to support these statements, but I do often shoot all day, every day and know very well how many AA's I go through with various diffusers. LS's are the worst.

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An additional PS, the Canon 500 series flash units also adjust the light output based upon the angle needed for the lens being used. This is accomplished by a focusing reflector in the Speedlight head. The longer the length of your lens, the narrower the beam is emitted from the Canon flash which conserves battery power and "concentrates" the light that is output. With a LS, you effectively cancel out that focusing technology of the 500 series flash units.
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Thanks christopher, interesting, I have been using Omni for over a decade but going from Metz45/60`s to canon 550/580ex2 never been happy with verticle shots even at 45deg I feel the flash to low. brackets are a pita especially when squeezin tho crowded niteclubs. The omni does stay on better is this enviroment. Soon as you change the head angle of a 550/580 it auts zooms to 50mm so any change is manual anyway so FL generally not accounted. I have read since that the LS2 loses about the same as omni, but still not seen official data. Still just considering the whaletail


beast regards

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