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Robert White purchase question


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Ok, R. White price for Schneider Symmar APO 120/f5.6 is $100 less than any US quotes I received.




What do I need to know about purchasing from Robert White? Customs? Import fees or taxes? Long wait for shipping? Tricky exchange rates?




Is there a catch? or is R White really just a better deal....




I really want a 120mm (or 110mm at the widest), for landscapes. Been searching for a used deal, but gotta make a purchase in the next few days. As new lenses go, the Symmar seemed like a pretty decent lens. I'm an amature, and will be shooting strictly outdoors kinda of stuff. Any other lenses I should be considering? I still need some money for gas...

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Generally speaking Robert White is just a better deal. However,

frequently it is NOT enoughof a better deal to make it worthwhile

over what is generally the best deal in teh US ... Badger

Graphics. I shop both places but usually find that when I need a

lens it makes more sense to shop at Badger. First, when you

add in the shipping costs the difference between the Badger

price and the white price is usually very small. I am willing to pay

20 or so dollars more to be able to deal domestically. This,does

not necessarily hold true on all items but does on most.




make sure you know the shipping costs from White and if you

haven't checked prices at Badger, do so.

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Everything that the above poster has said is true, there are also

many items @ RW that are almost half of what they are here in the

U.S., RW is also above board about delays if he needs to order

something, will tell you if they're any problems @ the manufacturers

end that may cause further delays.




Besides the items you need, check out the rest of website and

compare prices between his and U.S. and there are some big markdowns.

The catch is that he is honest as are a number of folks here in the


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I have purchased from Robert White and been very satisfied. There are

some items where his prices are better than anywhere in the USA while

some items he is certainly not competitive. Look at his price on

Fujinon lenses for example where is very high priced. I have

purchased items from him and saved money even when you include

shipping costs and currency costs. He does require payment in British

pounds (don't know if he'll accept Euros now or not). Depending on

your method of payment there may be charges incurred in getting US

dollars converted to pounds, some banks may charge a service fee for

example. When I have dealt with him the e-mail communication was very

prompt and courteous, shipping was quick and everything has arrived

as promised. I wouldn't hesitate to purchase from him again. I have

also purchased from Badger Graphics with great satisfaction as well.

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You also must be aware of possible import duties that may be assessed

by the shipper. I have received letters from UPS on about a 4% inport

duty and also was hit with this cost at the door by the UPS man.




However, even with the duty, it was a great deal.




I have had a couple of problems with merchandise that needed to be

returned and Robert White was very good about making sure that I got

what I wanted and was happy. Like the previous respondent, I check

with Badger and if it is not a large price differential, I try to

support the niche dealerships in the US.

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If the price differential is only $100 then it is possible that Robt

White is not the best deal.




You asked about how long shipping takes. That is part of the problem

in the cost. By default, White ships via UPS air express (or something

similar--I cannot remember) because 1) it is very fast and 2) it can

be tracked. But it is also expensive. If you ask, he will use the

British post office thence to the US post office but then the package

cannot be tracked and is quite slow. If you e-mail White with any

questions, you will get a quick and glib answer.




If the $100 more expensive source is Badger, I'd go with Badger. In

fact I did about two weeks ago on a lens with about a $110

differential Badger vs. White.




B&H is, near as I can tell, no longer a "discount" source. Often B&H

is at or very near full retail.




Customs (the only issue here; there are no taxes or import fees) is a

pig in a poke. It may be zero, or it may be $50. UPS may bill you or

the driver may collect COD. It is a complete governmental mystery.

White can closely estimate shipping by the various methods; but who

knows about customs?

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I'm very fortunate in that Robert White is only a 3 hour drive away.

But I regularly buy gear mail order from him and can report thus:

items are usually received next day if in stock (I appreciate that

this will not be the case if ordering from outside the UK ) so his

shipping is first rate. The item, no matter how small/cheap is always

exceptionally well packaged. If an item is out of stock Robert and

his staff will endeavour to get it quickly and to give you a

realistic wait time. The "service" is second to none, oh yes, and the

prices are excellent too!! THERE ARE NO CATCHES!!

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Robert White has long enjoyed a sterling reputation for friendly and

effective service, one that is well deserved.




The low prices are a bonus .... the customer service and knowledge

alone are reason enough to buy there. Robert is very frank about

shipping and other charges, so ask them directly.

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What do you mean glib??.....RW has never been glib to me or to

anyone I know. If you're dealing with RW himself or Jon White,

they'll reply personally to any and every e-mail you send, how many

dealers will do that?




Even if it means losing the deal, they'll tell up front about a

serious delay. If there's a $100 difference after shipping, duties,

whatever, they you get the deal and keep $100 in your pocket. If the

diff is only $20, I'll give the folk here the business.




RW and his folks are not glib, they are very sincere, and very


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If the $100 is based on looking at RW's price and comparing it with

the best U.S. price you've found, I'd forget it. You're going to pay

three separate charges with RW that you wouldn't pay when buying

U.S. - significantly higher shipping charges, an import duty or fee

or tax or whatever you want to call it (unless you luck out, as

happens sometimes but not others), and a charge by your credit card

company for the currency exchange and international transaction. On

the last purchase I made from RW (a carbon fiber tripod that cost

about $500) I paid an import duty of about $35, about $40 more in

shipping than I would have paid in the U.S., and a $15 "transaction

fee" I think it was called to my credit card company. On the tripod

it was still a good deal because the purchase price was only a little

more than half the U.S. price. It also was a good deal on my 210 mm G

Claron lens for the same reason. But if the opening savings are only

$100, I doubt that you'll net much more than maybe a $30 savings if

that (unless you get lucky and don't get charged the import duty,

which seems to be kind of a hit or miss proposition).

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Brian....that goes without saying, but if you could save $100.00

free and clear after all the gyrations, I'm sure you would go RW just

on GP, which is what I'm saying. I think we're all agreed it's not

worth the trouble to save 20 or 30 bucks to go out of the country.





I never charge my card anymore for camera equipment, a couple of

folks here in the US decided to change their price(and their word),

after the transaction was long over and charge it to my card,

neglecting to tell me about it. I now pay by cash, U.S. Postal money

order, or Bank Draft B.R.P. or Euro for out of the country.




I would say also Brian that you consider that the price issue

notwithstanding, ordering gear from out of town is pretty much the

same for me regardless if it from B&H or RW, correct me if I'm wrong,

but you're not charged a duty on camera/lenses but everything else

when ordering from the U.K/Europe.




Having said that, I've saved some big chunks 5 or 6 pieces of

gear. What irritates me is some folks attitude that they are doing me

a favor by taking my money. Even B&H, which is absolutely first rate,

prompt honest, and polite, still I'm always left with the feeling that

were in hurry to get me off the phone so they can get to the next





RW, Ries, Steve Grimes, Photomark, Mr. Cad and others have talked

with me for as long as I cared to stay on the phone, treated me like a

human being, and charged a lot less than most, and no tricks. Mr Cad

who is also out of the U.K. actually called me long distance in

response to an e-mail. What really attracts me to these folks is that

they are not greedy.

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FWIW I would suggest that anybody who is fortunate/unfortunate

enough to have credit cards to go over you paperwork with a magnifying

glass, I decided to do this no long ago, and found more than a dozen

charges on my cards of $20 here and $30 there that I/my wife had not

authorized, small enough charges that would've slipped through,

because initially I thought my wife made these charges and of course

she thought that I had.

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I found the remarks above about B&H (no longer a discount store) to

be amusing. The fact is that B&H does not carry gray market Schneider

or Rodenstock like Badger Graphic. They only carry Schneider or

Rodenstock equipment that is imported by the official USA

distributor. B&H does sell gray market Nikon and Cannon equipment, as

well as the official USA versions of Nikon and Cannon. I suspect that

most of Schneider and Rodenstock sold by B&H is for professionals who

want the USA warranty.




On other equipment, where B&H and Badger are buying from the same

distributor, I think you will find B&H prices very competitive, if

not lower than most other places.

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I've just been checked the websites of both Robert White and B&H

and here's an example of what's possible depending on what gear you

want. Say you want a Toyo 810MII and a film holder, B&H sells the

Toyo for $4180.00, the film holder for $143.00 for a total of 4323.00.




Robert White sells the same exact camera for $2878.76, and the

film holder for $77.00, for a total of $2955 and change. That a

difference of $1445.00.




Say you want Mamiya, a Pro-SD 67 from B&H is $1359.00 and the

180KL lens is $1399.00 for a total of $2758. The same camera from

Robert White is $816.00, the lens from RW is $712, for a total of

$1528.00. A diff of $1230.00. The Robert White prices are in U.S.D.




Big time savings.

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But Mamiya and Toyo are both coming from the same distributor in the

U.S., if I'm not mistaken. RW is better on anything that B&H gets

from Mamiya USA, Gitzo, Schneider, and perhaps a few other European

manufacturers. I'd be surprised if they were that much better on

Nikon or Canon or Pentax or Minolta, if at all. B&H certainly does

better on film.

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Agreed.....I haven't quit doing business with B&H, when it's to

my advantage to buy from B&H, I'll buy from them in a heartbeat. The

gear I mentioned is for the benefit of anybody where their budget gets

them into LF or MF depending on the difference in price.




I'll buy from anybody, I would love to have had RW a U.S. dealer,

but this is a world market now, and I be stupid not to take advantage

of some of these deals out there.




Robert White gives deals when he can, and he still makes good

money, so what does that tell you about everybody else.

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Both Toyo and Mamiya are imported into the USA by Mamiya America

Corporation (MAC). This has been discussed "ad nauseam" in other

threads (see the archives). B&H Photo gets their Toyo and Mamiya

stock from MAC. Robert White gets their stock directly from Mamiya

Japan and Toyo Japan respectively. I were buying Toyo or Mamiya, I

would probably buy from Robert White, although I can understand why

some professionals may put a high value on the warranty and repair

services offered by MAC. But I think it is incorrect to say that B&H

Photo charges list price or is somehow ripping off consumers.

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RW, far from being the good guy that he is (I'm not saying that he is

not a good guy), is merely the lucky beneficiary of questionable

usurious pricing by Mamiya USA and HP Marketing. RW's prices on

these products are no better than what can be found around the world

or any other UK agent like Teamwork Photo, for example. With so much

free press from this and other forums and being one of the first to

capitalise on e-commerce, it pays RW to provide good service to his

American custonmers.




Certainly, it has never occurred to the Americans to attempt to knock

down his prices further; his prices look like a relative bargain

compared to American domestic prices so it has never occurred to an

American to bargain him down. Many are too happy to accept what RW





It is amazing that Mamiya USA and HP Marketing have not responded to

this in an appropriate fashion i.e. to make their prices fall in line

with international pricing. Their recalcitrance has benefited RW the

most and every day that they dawdle RW gains by not even trying.

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Nobody said B&H is ripping off anybody, you're saying that. B&H

is reputable, firstrate, and prompt, and they are simply trying to get

as much money as they can for their product as businessmen. My remark

was not a veiled implication towards anybody being a thief, it's to

suggest that everybody can make money while give us a break, anything

else is putting words in my mouth.




You're right about this issue having been done ad nauseum, the

issue is very clear, there is choice now where there didn't used to

be, we can pick and choose, which is one of the redeeming qualities of

the internet.

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Jonathan, my initial comments were directed at John Hennessy, who

said "B&H is, near as I can tell, no longer a 'discount' source.

Often B&H is at or very near full retail.�




Your subsequent comments may have been made based on your assumption

that I was talking about you, but I am not sure why, because I

specifically said "I found the remarks above about B&H (no longer a

discount store) to be amusing." This obviously did not refer to

anything you said.

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