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Any other labs offering big discounts?


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Hello All,


With many of the smaller labs going out of business with the digital

revelution, does anyone notice any labs offering incentives to stay or

switch. My lab in Baltimore, Photographic Processing Inc offers a 50%

discount for new customers for their first orders up to $1,000.00 This is how

they got me to try them. Glad I did, they have been excellent in all

respects. Just wondering with the huge investment to stay in the processing

industry how many others are doing the same thing. Kodak says in four or five

years they will no longer produce chemistry based prints, it will all be very

high end ink jet. Will Fuji be far behind, and how many labs can afford to

stay on the cutting edge when you are talking 100k per station to keep up. If

you are interested I will email you the number of PPI if you would like to

give them a try. They have been in business for over 30 years. I don't want to

see them go anywhere.




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I hope the exodus of Kodak from wet prints is not true. I use a fully digital work flow but use only silver process prints. Kodak has all but abandoned the 1 hour market to Fuji. I still see advantages to traditional silver based prints over inkjet and dye sublmation. I think Kodak has lost their way and going down the wrong course. That may be the only path open to them with no focus on smaller silver based processors. Their focus on the "Picture Maker" may make sense for the vacation/snapshot market. I would never use the Picture Maker system.
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JOHN --We to have been in business over 30 years....We gave up on our Pro Labs > use only our local COSTCO, for digtial. Well discounted and receiving great prints > remakes never a question. Just profile to them and ready to go. They do all our B&W fineart prints, for the galleries.
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