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Lens protection with Cokin system


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I was wondering how people who use the Cokin system protect their lenses. I've

been purchasing some expensive glass (at least for me) recently and am

concerned about making sure it lasts. I've used and know most oother folks use

UV filters to protect the front element. I've been considering switching to the

Cokin system (probably Cokin holders/rings with Hitech filters), but am unsure

how that will affect my lens protection. I'm concerned because it seems that

when you're removing and mounting the Cokin holders and rings, the lens remains

unprotected. This seems dangerous because the very fitting and removal of those

components happens right in front of the lens. Does anyone sell the adaptor

rings with a built-in UV filter? I know you can get UV filters for the system,

but there again, the lens is unprotected when switching filters (especially

with the wide-angle holder which only holds one filter at a time). Thoughts?

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<I>...but there again, the lens is unprotected when switching filters...</I><P>


Unprotected from what?<P>


I protect my lenses by keeping a lens cap on when I'm not actually using a lens. I don't put my greasy fingers on the glass. Most of all, I don't drop them. For 99 and 44/100ths of the time, that about covers it.<P>


OK, there are a few -- very few -- situations that justify using a UV or clear filter for protection. Salt spray comes to mind, and probably the guys who photograph Mike Rowe's "Dirty Jobs" series have an excuse. For most other situations, and the vast majority of photographers, this is a phobia that should be vanquished.<P>


Nobody ever heard of "lens protection" filter a hundred years ago, yet I know photographers who are using 100 year old lenses and getting the same performance the first users got a century ago.<P>


This need for so-called protection filters is one that was created by the filter manufacturers and retailers so they can sell more unneeded bits of high priced glass to the fearful.

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Hi David,


I use the Cokins for all my formats. Regardless of this, the first thing I buy when I purchase a new lens is a screw on UV or Skylight which I then leave on the lens regardless of what other filter system I use. Its a safe bet and peace of mind.



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<i>"I'm concerned because it seems that when you're removing and mounting the Cokin holders and rings, the lens remains unprotected. This seems dangerous because the very fitting and removal of those components happens right in front of the lens."</i><P>


The front elements and multicoatings of modern photographic lenses are not THAT fragile. Unless you are shooting in the middle of a dust or sandstorm, no harm is going to come to your lens while you remove one filter and replace it with another.


If you are REALLY worried about this, then you can leave a regular multicoated UV or clear filter mounted on your lens, and mount the Cokin ring adapter and holder to the filter. But bear in mind that this will likely cause vignetting with even moderately wide angle lenses.<P>


Something else to consider is that the Cokin system will NOT protect your lenses from dust on the front element, so if you are considering this system with that in mind, it's not going to help. It is not a "sealed" system when the filter is installed in the holder.

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I also put a protective filter on all of my lenses. When I use the Cokin holder, I will remove the protective filter. If I do not switch back to the protective filter after taking a photo, I will always put a filter cap on the holder to add a little protection. It's only a few dollars for the cap:



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