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evolt 510


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HI, I just bought and Evolt 510,and have the new olympus software. I tried to

download the firmware for the body and lens but kept getting the message that

my camera was not detected. I have tried everything I could to get to the

solution(including reading the directions and following them), but maybe I am

missing something. Anyone have ideas as to how I might solve this problem?


Thanks in advance



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Despite what the Olympus site states, the camera's USB mode must be set to STORAGE, not CONTROL. I've performed the various firmaware updates on 2 E510 cameras w/o any problems at all. Open OLYMPUS MASTER 2, connect the camera to your PC's USB port (after setting the USB to STORAGE) and follow the instructions. Make sure the battery is freshly charged so it won't die during the update operation. Also, check the Olympus site for any lens F/W upgrade as well in case your lens has one. The 70-300mm is new and already have e f/w upgrade. However, I just bought myself one and it already came with the upgrade.
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