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40d battery grip


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Hi Jeret,


It'll do a number of things for you ...


1. You can add an extra battery, for longer battery life,


2. It has additional controls to help when you're shooting vertical shots,


3. In makes the camera nicer to hold when doing vertical shots, and


4. It adds more mass so that camera shake is reduced.





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I just added it on my camera a week ago. Since i use long and heavy lenses (70-200 is f2.8, 100-400 is f 4-5.6), it helps a lot balancing the camera and it gives it an excellent grip both for vertical and horizontal shots. My opinion is to get it. It is worth it.
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I have to second everything stated by everyone who responded. It really does give you more holding power, especially with something like a 100-400. Personally I like the older style grip--the one I transferred over from my 20D. I'm not sure the pocket-full of AA cells works for me personally. And nothing is more aggravating than

having a battery go flat; even if there is one back in the car somewhere.

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If you have a chance to test one before purchase - do it. Bought mine with the camera - used it a few times - stays in the box as of now - I'll (maybe) use it some day. Adds a lot of weight and bulk, and zero functinality, to the camera. Longish lens balancing and vertical shots are as easy without the grip. Waste of money IMO. If you are after extra power, it is much easier to carry a spare battery in your pocket. I too have big hands and use 1D Mk. II and Mk. III so the size is not an issue, but these cameras just feel more "solid" than the 40d + grip, even though my grip doesn't "wobble"...
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I picked up the grip as I have big hands as well. I very highly recommend it. Perhaps you might consider trying one on for size at a local store to feel the difference. My guess is that it will feel much more comfortable. I also use a grip strap for security and to let my wrist rest. My comfort during shooting is paramount and I love the feel for vertical work. The other options are secondary, though nice (additional battery options, camera controls, etc.) while no cheap, it is not over overpriced unless you sell the kit in a few months; over time it is a non-issue. My weekend camera is an Olympus OM-1 and I keep a grip on that too so my hand does not cramp. Small is fine for small hands, but in my experience, I just simply must feel physically comfortable to shoot freely.
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I spent many years using an EOS 5 with the vertical grip (no batteries in that grip for some unknown marketing reason), and last year I took the plunge and bought a 40D without the grip.


I've found that when shooting portrait, I'm now very poor at getting my horizons straight, so a grip might be way to help me out ;)

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I had a grip for my previous camera and am sorely missing it on my 40D. It's going to be my next camera-related purchase. For me it's not so much about the second battery as it is about having controls in the correct place for portrait-oriented shots.
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I used to have a grip for the Digital Rebel, but when I upgraded to the 20D, I didn't immediately buy the grip. I used the 20D for a while without the grip and can honestly say I don't miss it. As a matter of fact, with the grip you have less information on the status of your batteries. Because the battery indicator only has three settings (fully, partially full, empty), when you use it with one battery, you know that your spare is still fully charged. Whereas if both are in the grip, it's much more difficult to accurately determine how much charge you have left.


Having said all that, I must admit that I don't have large hands. If I did, I would likely prefer the grip. For no other reason than the extra room for my last two fingers to grip onto.

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I have a grip on my EOS 5 and EOS 3. When I have the money, I will be buying a grip for my 30D.


Yes, Rachel, you can use a flash bracket with the grip. I use a Stroboframe Press-T. You have to make sure the bracket is tall enough to allow for the added height of the grip.


The grip sure does make the camera feel better to me.

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