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Website design question


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I was talking to my web designer and he thinks my site should be a little bit

bigger. He says my images are a bit small. What do you guys think? should my

images be a little bit bigger? Is the information readable? I would like to

know what all of you think. Thank you in advance.



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i love your site-- i think it's so unique and interesting. the only problem i had was reading the small text under pricing.

as an artist i think the small images are super cool looking, BUT i'd love to see them larger so i can see more detail. they are really strong images and do fine small, but i can see how they'd totally "POP" if they were big. more attention grabbing i guess.

you are really talented! :-)

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On a 1024x768 screen resolution your photos are a good size. On a screen resolution of 1280x1024 they are kind of small. Since most of your target audiance will probably be running at the lower resolution I would leave it the way it is.
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<p>I like the size as it is. I agree that images appear a bit small for screens larger than 1024x768 but many of your prospective clients will have screen that size or smaller so that's ok.


My site was originally designed for much smaller screens and now I'm going to need to redesign it!




<p>Halbright Photography</p>

<a href="http://www.halbright.com">http://www.halbright.com</a>

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I really like the creative navigation. I was confused at first but I figured it out. I found the all caps in the informational areas (pricing) very hard to read though, but I loved it elsewhere.


On my screen (19" I think) the small pictures looked nice. I felt like I was viewing art. I liked it! You have some beautiful images btw. :)


Just my two cents. Good Luck to you!

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<p>Leo, it's all relative to the resolution of the user's monitor.</p>


<p>For instance, if I were looking at your site on a 1024x768 screen your pictures would

be perfectly sized. But on a larger screen (e.g. my laptop with 1920x1200) your images

are the size of postage stamps.</p>


<p>I suspect your designer's advice is correct, and for many people your images will be

too small. A good and cheap compromise is just to offer both hi-res and lo-res versions

of the same site, with a simple stylesheet change to scale the site for larger images.</p>

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