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Sprocket Type Polarizers


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Last year I purchased the Singh Ray LB Warming Polarizer to use in a P-type Cokin holder. Since then, I

have run into some situations where I would prefer not to have the warming feature that is a part of the LB

Warming Polarizer, but would just want a regular polarizer.


Since I enjoy the flexibility of the sprocket polarizer with the Cokin holder in that it allows me to use GNDs

when required, I was wondering if there are any manufacturers that make such a filter, just a regular

polarizer, no warming, and a sprocket type mount?


I checked Singh Ray, and they don't make one; are there any other good filter manufacturers out there that

make such a filter? (I haven't found any in my search.)

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Ben, you may be surprised. The Cokin polarizer is glass, not plastic or resin like the Cokin GNDs.


I own the huge Cokin glass circular polarizer for the Cokin X-Pro system and it is a very nice filter with a neutral color. I don't know if that quality translates to the "P" size Cokin system, but it is worth checking out.

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On what combo of camera/lens are you using the Cokin-P holder ? Do you get any vignetting ?

I have a Cokin Z-Pro filter holder, but Sing Ray doesn't make sprocket type polarizers in Z-Pro size.

So I am wondering about getting a Cokin-P, but would like to know if that's advisable on my Canon 5D + Tamron SP 17-35/2.8-4 ?

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