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First time wppi on a budget questions....


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I need to understand this album business and so I am thinking it would be a good

idea for me to see them in person. The only way I know how to do this is to go

to a trade show and the only one I know of is wppi.


At this point I am not interested in getting sucked into the Hollywood Glamour

Photograpyhy Rock Show that is the classes and events. Honestly watching all

the hype makes me sick in my tummy. But I do want to get in to the trade show.

Plus I have a wedding in vegas in May and so this could give me an opportunity

to scout as I will be flying in the day of for the wedding.


Can I get in to just the trade show? How much for 2 days? WPPI's website is

unclear on this.


Travel Recomendations?


Is it worth it for just the trade show?





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If you goal is simply to see albums, the local chapter of the PPA should have a trade show once a year that is most likely closer and cheaper. Usually I have seen a few wedding album booths there.


The classes there couldnt be described as "Hollywood" by any means though, and I would recommend many of them to other photographers.

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I agree with Sam -- go to a big bridal show and look at what the photographers are

offering. If they aren't busy, you can even tell them you're a fellow photographer and that

you're educating yourself about different album options. This is a good way to get a

working photog's views on each album's pros and cons, rather than the company rep's

talking points. You can also watch the brides-to-be and see what they seem to like best.


I have been pleasantly surprised at how friendly and open the photographers are -- they

seem to realize there's plenty of work for all of us : ) Just be tactful and don't keep them

from talking with potential clients!


I'm new to all of this too, and I've learned a lot at bridal fairs this month.


Best of luck...

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I have no idea where you got the idea that the seminars are: "Hollywood Glamour Photograpyhy Rock Show" ....I would suggest that you attend both. A National PPA or WPPI Tradeshow is a whole lot more than some bridal fair and you'll want to spend hours looking through all the vendor areas. Your local State PPA may have an annual convention with a good size trade show that would be informative as well.
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I've attended WPPI for close to 15 years. I missed last year due to a sinus surgery. I always bring a credit card and spend at least a grand every year, one time it was about $15,000 on new gear.


Some of the seminars are excellent. Such as the adobe seminars, if they are being offered this year, it's always a treat for me. I've been using photoshop for 6 or 7 years and I always learn something new.


Some of the business classes are also well worth it, since I'm more of and artist and less of a business person. Several studios close every year or get sued due to poor business practices; although they are very gifted and talented artists.


So when you get there talk to people and see what lectures are getting good reviews. You may wish to reconsider and attend a class in which your skills are a bit weak.


The last 2 or 3 years there has been an out poor of new album companies and they always take the time to talk with you. Even the big companies, like Art Leather, Leather Craftsman, White Glove, and many others. White Glove is pretty expensive though and can cost you up to a grand for an album, yet I sold 3 last year. Some offer CD instuctions regarding albums. Some companies will do everything for you, just send them your wedding disk and they create an album for you. I've seen companies advertise complete albums for $200 and includes their designs. So you will find albums ranging from about $150 to over $1000. By the way, most album companies will give you 50 percent off for sample albums, so be sure to ask about that offer. It's alway good to show clients the quality differences between album companies.

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Yes, you can register for the trade show only via the WPPI website. <a href="https://secure.rhq.com/wppi/wppi08/attreg/index.cgi">Here's the link</a>. If I remember correctly, last year's trade show admission was $15. But if you look around hard enough (even on photo.net sometimes), you can find many vendors willing to give you a free pass as a promotion to get you to their booths. The trade show is only for the first few days of WPPI, so don't show up on Thursday unless you wanna see 'em stacking chairs and sweeping the floor.
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Faux, for a first WPPI trade show and the fact that you have a wedding there in may, I would say it would be worth your money. You also sound like you need assistance with album design or product. Well, you will get album overload at this conference. Plus, like other's have stated, you can get free passes from some vendors and once you are there, they will offer you incentives to go with them. Go for it and enjoy. Remember, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.
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