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Problem with Bridge storing "Multiple Values" as a single keyword

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I've been having a problem with Bridge and thought I'd toss it out here to see if anyone had a solution. A

web search found it mentioned on a couple other forums but with no resolution. Maybe someone here has

a better idea.


My problem is that when key wording images in Bridge (version CS3 it will convert many different

keywords to "(Multiple Values)", effectively erasing the individual keywords.


It happens when I select multiple images with different keywords to add new, common keywords to all of

them. When I select multiple images with different keywords the value "multiple values" is shown in the

IPTC Core data, which I guess is what I'd expect to see. Unfortunately after adding the new keywords and

saving them all the original keywords never return and are instead replaced by the keyword "Multiple



This only seems to happen when adding new keywords to multiple images. It's really a PITA and cost me a

lot of key wording work until I realized what was going on.


In case it makes a difference I'm generally typing the keyword information directly into the IPTC Core

dialog box and saving the entered data by clicking on a different image or dialog box in the IPTC Core



Anyone else having this problem or have a good idea how I can avoid it?





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I only get "multiple values" when there are too many keywords to be displayed in the Metadata Panel if it is compressed along a side. If I make the Metadata Panel larger, all keywords show. I also looked at file>file info and all the keywords were there. To me, it appears to show "multiple values" only when it does not have the physical space to show all. When I do choose the Keywords Panel, all show, too. I am using a Mac G5 dual 2GHz, 5.5GB Ram, OS 10.4.11. Adobe CS3
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I just did a quick test using 4 images with no keywords stored.


Added 2 keywords to the first two images.


Added 2 different keywords the remaining two images


Selected all 4 images and added two new keywords to all four of them.


The original keywords were replaced with "multiple values" and the last two that I'd added

to all 4 were the only real keywords left.


It shows this way in both the metadata and keyword panes. In the keyword pane "multiple

values" is now actually shown as a legitimate keyword; even if it's not applied to the

currently selected image. For some reason it can NOT be deleted from the keywords pane.


Now for that test I added the keywords manually via the metadata pane.


I did the exact same thing using the keyword pane by checking off the boxes next to

keywords that have already been added. Doing it this way results in everything working

just like it's supposed to and nothing is labeled as having "multiple values".


So I guess if I add keywords via the keyword pane it will work like it should but much of

the time I find it faster to manually type or paste the keywords into the metadata pane.


I sure would like to find a solution,





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Some more playing around and research has found a workaround that I might not have a

problem with. You can use the search function at the bottom of the keyword pane to

manually type in keywords separated by a comma. If the keyword already exists it will be

applied and if it doesn't exist it will be created.


I tried applying keywords to multiple images with different keywords like the test that I

mentioned above and it seemed to work fine. I still wish that bug didn't exist when using

the metadata pane but this should get me by.



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