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Mamiya Portrait Lenses: Sekor AF 75-150 f/4.5 D v AF 105-210 f.4.5 ULD


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Hello all,


I am an architectural shooter, adding portrait photography to my work. I may also add fashion-style

shooting-some in-studio, some on location. I now use an AFD II with a Phase P25+ back. As all of my

current gear is for arch shooting, I want to add some portrait gear, slowly. I'm considering the Sekor 75-

150 4.5 D and the 105-210 4.5 ULD as the first portrait lens purchase.


The cost difference is significant as are the angles of view. The 75-150 is $1,300 + - more than the 105-

210 and I like the upper range of the 105-210.


I would appreciate feedback from those who have used these lenses and any recommendations or

suggestions from experienced portrait shooters.




Neil Colton

Washington, DC Metro Area

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I'm not sure how relevant this is to portraiture, but the 75-150 D zoom is the sharpest

Mamiya af lens I own. It is better than the Macro at non-macro distances. And unlike the

105-210 - which is a very fine lens - it is optimized for digital.


It is my "standard" lens for my Phase back - but whether the sharpness/contrast

improvement over the 105-110 matters for portraiture only you can decide.


Good luck!


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I got comfortable using high end Nikon zooms for photojournalism assignments (before I

began shooting architecture). Some of my zooms are better than primes at certain focal

lengths. I'm relatively new to Mamiya and to Phase backs, so I turned here.


The net is a bit stingy on Mamiya lens reviews and the price tag on the 75-150 is hefty, so

I thank you for the response!


Best regards,



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