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Pro S revolving back malfunction.

david hibberd

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I recently bought an RB67 Pro S body and lens. The shutter cocks and fires



I then bought a Pro S revolving back and attached it to the body as per the

operating instructions - with the effect that shutter cocking and firing

becomers inoperative (but works fine again when the revolving back is taken

off the camera!)


Does anybody know if this "behaviour" is normal and is the result of some sort

of interlocking coming into play, which would be rectified when I attach a

film back (which I do not have yet) to the revolving back? - or is there

something else I need to do - or is it possible that the revolving back is



all the best



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I had this problem when I had a Pro S body/back combination. It turned out that one of the interlocking pins on the revolving adapter was stuck. This sometimes happens with age and/or use. A DIY lube of the revolving adapter pins may be all you need. Or you could always have a CLA done on the adapter if that doesn't work. Also check the film back itself.
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I assume you're not trying to fire it with and empty film back on too?


Camera should fire with just the revolving back on. As already mentioned, check that the little pins aren't jamming.


(Apologies if you knew this already) If you have the film back on (empty of film) the shutter won't fire with the dark slide in and/or with the lever set for single exposures.

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Just to concur with the other suggestions, the Pro-S should fire with the revolving back adapter fitted and no film back on.

On my ProS the sequence is as follows:

As you press the shutter release, the interlock pin on the top right of the adapter should start to stick out commensurate with the shutter release being pushed in. As the shutter fires the interlock pin on the top left of the adapter should quickly stick out and then retract again.

Check that the revolving adapter is fully orientated in either portrait or L/S position; if its not fully 'home' the shutter won't fire.

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