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Ladies - Female Photographers - proper clothing choice for weddings?


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I was curious to know what other female photographers wear to wedding shoots?

I've done strictly outdoor work and have worn black pants, black shoes and a

colored shirt of sorts. I know men wear tuxes usually for more formal weddings.

Any advice would be helpful - thanks in advance!

Annie :)

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Tuxedo? Yeah, sure. I wear comfortable black dress shoes, khakis and black polo. If it is a fall wedding I wear a black dress coat over the polo... I am a male and so this is off topic, but you DID say you know men wear tuxes. Us PJ shooters can't be encumbered by tuxedos.



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hi Annie, I am in the UK and me and my assistant (best friend and fellow director of our little photography business) wear matching suits, white blouses and matching chiffon scarves. We get priests, celebrants and hotel managers commenting on our dress and even have had recommendations because of looking professional! We are working in a very male dominated industry certainly in the UK and have been told of many stories of male photographers turning up looking scruffy and unkempt and even in shorts and flip-flops!
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I am shooting the next wedding in a (rented) kilt, spurrun and scottish suit (I'm male).

Should be good for a laugh. Anything to get guests smiling.


I feel you have to be smart, as far as women go, 2 golden rules; dont look better than the

bride and dont match the brides maids.


Two pro wedding shooters I know (1 male, 1 female) both wore trousers and did not look

smart, I dont approve. Maybe they look like photographers so get away with it because

they are obviously not part of the guest list.


Cheers G

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I think anything that gives you freedom of movement and doesn't draw attention to yourself is appropriate. Most of the female shooters I encounter wear slacks and a black blouse or black jacket. As a male, I generally avoid tux jackets because they tend to get disarrayed when carrying cameras, bags and batteries. Instead I wear a black shirt or a vest.
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Black shirt (usually sweater or nice knit, button down is too constricting for me personally) and black pants. The most important part are the black dress danskos. I could not wear anything else for the 8-12 hours I work. For more casual weddings I wear more browns or shirts with a little band of color, but for the most part just the all black combo. I have been thinking about getting a shirt on the recommendation of other photographers at http://www.eshakti.com/ I love the idea of a nice fitting long shirt with a little style.
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This was a topic last year that generated a ton of responses so you might look for that thread.


I find that the all black look is just too boring puts me to sleep to wear. The biggest suggestion I have is to find shoes that fit, don't make any noise on church floors and are a great color. I prefer red to all else.


My feeling is that people hire me to be creative and fun and so I need to look the part not look like the waiters. I troll the closeout part of high end web sites like ColdWaterCreek to find long jackets that have pockets to carry cards and lens in and tailored pants in black and other neutrals.


I wear my pants till they don't look criso anymore then throw them out! Most are washable to avoid the dry cleaning bills and to take into consideration how much time I spend sitting one grass, stones and dirty reception floors to get the shots I want.

If you dress to the style of the clients you reall can't go wrong but do avoid too tight anything and shoes that click clack as you walk.



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Hi Annie,


I think that really depends on what the wedding is like! Is it very smart? Or casual? I usually ask my clients how stylish/formal the wedding is going to be, and dress accordingly. That may mean I have to get my ballgown out for the evening...


Generally I try to be ALMOST as elegant as the guests. Nothing worse than overdressing though! But I?d also hate to stick out as too casually dressed in a very elegant surrounding...



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The women whom I worked with utilize when possible the practicality of a coat or jacket with pockets; flat shoes; and slacks. (Black or Dark Blue for night or more formal occasions).




The main object is to make one`s job easier and not draw attention or be out of place.


It has only been on a few occasions where these have not been suitable attire for the functions, and where a dress (gown) was a `must do`, in our onion.


Even at the very formal functions, these days, persons working dressed in tailored black are quite acceptable for most functions.


Obviously the attire described would be unsuitable for a Beach Wedding in the Tropics, so reality and common sense dictates variance for unusual circumstances.



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I have always tried to stay away from black for two reasons; the cultural thing of black bringing bad luck and more importantly the heat! Most weddings we do are outdoors so the temperature and the amount of sun protection the outfit offers are major concerns. It also has to be machine washable and I like it to be long so that it covers by butt (I know it' s silly but I just feel more comfortable that way!). Last season I had a jacket from a local, very recognisable designer (high end) that was perfect...it even had a lens cap pocket. But it has had it. I'm still looking for a replacement.
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I have seen three women photographers. None looked very kempt. They wore black and the one thing I noticed was how dirty their clothes looked. Actually one was as rude as heck and wore jeans and a black leather jacket to a formal wedding. Another wore a black boilersuit to another formal wedding. Our wedding was informal and our lady photographer just looked dirty - I don't think her clothes were especially grubby but nothing was pressed.


IMHO as long as it's clean and tidy I don't really think it matters. Obviously skirts, heels and hose are out because of the nimble footwork and bending etc that you have to do to get decent photos. As a guy though, I wear black trousers, black shoes, black socks, white shirt with a bow tie and a black photographer's waistcoat (got to have somewhere for my kit since I don't have an assistant and don't want to leave my stuff lying around). The only thing some people might not be too keen on is that my waistcoat has my logo in big letters across the back.

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I would encourage hotpants for the ladies and thongs for the men.


Oops - sorry, wrong forum....


I like looking a little more creative and artistic, people understand that and sometimes expect it - I certainly don't want to show up looking like an accountant. How dull. I don't mean an orange shirt with red shoes, maybe nice jeans and a black shirt - we won't be in the photos afterall...

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Thank you so much for the numerous responses and yes, I should have searched the forums first. To date, I have worn black pants, black shoes/socks and a colored shirt. However, I have not had places to put extra cards, lens cap etc and like to vest idea! :)


Thanks again and I am enjoying reading this forum very much! It has been a great help to me and I hope to be just as helpful in the future.


Have a great day!

Annie :)

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