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Nikon 28-105 AF IF D Macro on D200?

jim s

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I had my Nikon 28-105 AF IF D Macro lens on my N75 film camera. I purchased a

D200 about a year ago with the 18-200 VR lens. I am now interested in Macro

photography and want to know if I can use the 28-105 lens on the D200 for that

purpose. I did search the database and couldn't find a specific answer.

Thank you in advance for your help.

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Yes. Your D200 can use ANY Nikon auto focus lens. Since the sensor is not the same size and a film negative, you will have a crop factor af about 1.5... That means it will have less feild of view. Just like as if it were a longer lens, by the factor of 1.5. So, on the D200, it will seem lie you have a 42-157mm lens. All features of the lens remain the same, just how you preceive the focal length changes.
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I was asked by email what I meant by "not a true macro". The answer is that it does not go to 1:1 (lifesize, whereby the image size on the sensor is the same as the object size). It does however go to 1:2 (half lifesize) which is pretty good. Also the image quality close up is not as high as at larger distances, though it may well be satisfactory for many uses.
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