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sometimes I spend some time with the gaussian blur, but then I tried pixelmator and it was realtime on

osX.. so you guys give it a try, you can even buy it at a reduced price and help some charities...


here is the link: https://www.macheist.com/buy/invite/97738


and also you get a bundle of 14 apps...


so far I'm very happy with pixelmator, snapz and istopmotion...

the others apps I'm just trying them too

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Pixelmator is fine if you do *very* basic editing. It doesn't do RAW yet, and isn't colormanaged. It isn't anywhere near as powerful as elements is. The developers are a little delusional if they think they are anywhere close to a photoshop replacement. Lots of eye candy though...
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Been using Pixelmator for a few weeks now and it does quite a few things very well.

For instance noise reduction, layer masking, file resizing and color picking.

I don't need it to do RAW conversion since my MAC handles that very well as does Capture


I would not go as far as to claim it is anywhere near a complete replacement for the deep

Photoshop toolset but overall an excellent editor for the MAC user.

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