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Info on Calumet C1 8x10


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I received Christopher Burkett's book "Intimations of Paradise" this weekend (a GREAT book of LF nature photography, by the way -- go to www.christopherburkett.com) and he mentioned that he uses a Calumet C1 8x10. I've seen some used C1's advertised in Shutterbug for about $500. I've looked around on the web for some info, but found none. Does any one have one of these cameras or know a good source of information? I'm interested in the basic specs like bellows extension, weight, movements, etc. I'm also interested in any photos of the camera, if they're out there. And, if you have one, what do you like and dislike about it? Thanks in advance for your help.
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Hello Joel.


I sent a separate email to you (under a different account) on this

subject, but I'll answer here also.


I have not made any exposures yet, as I'm still building my kit. I

have the camera and two lenses (a 14" Commercial Ektar, a 12"/19"/25"

TR triple convertible), and I'm buying my third one tomorrow (a

210mm/f9 G-Claron that I'll mount in a Copal #1 shutter). But I still

need film holders, a large and sturdy case, some drilled boards, and a

few other knick-knacks before I can hit the field.


I have played around with the camera a lot, and it seems very rigid

when all of the knobs are tightened up. In terms of functionality, it

has all of the movements that I would ever need. I really can't

answer the portability question, since I have no ideal what my final

"field kit" configuration will weigh and look like. I think the

camera alone weighs in at 14 or 16lbs. So what every my final kit

looks like, I won't be hiking too far from the car with it. Hopefully

Sean Yates (as well as others) will see this thread and answer that

part - he has owned and used one in the past.


I selected the C-1 based mostly on price and feedback from other large

formatters here on the Net. I wanted something that was less than

$1000.00, sturdy, and not a kit. So far, I've been able to acquire

the camera and two lenses for under that $1000.00 mark!


Let us know if you get one.



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I bought one through E-bay. It was advertised as having no ground

glass, but it actually came with no back. This is a wonderfully

sturdy camera, and it folds up into a "packable" size. For $200,

it's OK.




I have to fabricate a back for it, fabricate lens boards, get the

bellows replaced, and buy a lens and film holders for it. Other than

that ....

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Got to the Larger Formats subject heading and find the posted

question, "Difference between C1C2C3 & Orbit" or something very

similar to that. There is currently one on sale in E-bay that has an

image with it albeit a bit dark. They are good durable servicable

cameras, plenty of movement and inexpensive, but heavy, bulky, and

totally non-attractive.




34" draw, either 14 or 18 lbs (depending on materials magnesium or

aluminum), plenty of accessories. They are simple to use except with

long lenses as you have to lean over the rear extension rail to get

to the ground glass. No problem if you're tall or have a long

flexible neck. They were made from 1964 to 1984 (+/-). Paul

Mayberry of Clayton Classic Camera in Missouri had blue prints with

part numbers he could fax you if you want.

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