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Unable to save scanned tiffs in Adobe Software

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Big, big issue: I scan with the Nikon 8000 ED 8 or 14 bit tifs at full 4000dpi,

resulting in 8964x8964px files. The resulting files are pretty huge, i know.


I can import the files in Lightroom, I can do adjustments but I cannon export

them, neither in psd, tiff or jpg.


I can open them in Photoshop CS3, I can do adjustmens but I cannon save them as

jpg or psd.


I tryed opening them in ACDSee, I can edit them there, save them as tiff or jpg

with no problem, but I don't like the prospect of editing my stuff in ACDSee.


Does anyone know anything about this issue and is there any way to corect this?

(I have to say that on my old and slow computer I had no issues editing these

files in CS2, but the prospect of having to go back to CS2 is not making me very


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I am VERY familiar with Photoshop, conversions, saves etc.


Photoshop displays a "PROGRAM ERROR" window and Lightroom displays a "An Erros has occured, zero files exported". The option of saving a file in jpg mode does not appear when you have a 16b source, this is not the case.


Moreover, in Lightroom, no conversion has to be done to a 16b file BEFORE exporting it to jpg, that is done automatically durring the export phase.


I'd really apreciate some help from someone who knows his way around Adobe software and large tiff scans from 4000dpi scanners like the Nikon 8000 or 9000 ED. Thank you very much!

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Perhaps your installation of CS3 screwed something up. Did you remove CS2 correctly? Did you remove it at all? You're using ACDSee so you must be on windows. Remove CS3 and LR and reinstall them both. I would reinstall CS3 first, then LR. But after doing the removal, make sure you delete anything left behind, do a full reboot and then reinstall.
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I have a PC with 2G of RAM (XP Pro), and have no problem saving 16 bit scans as either TIFF or PSD from Photoshop. You may be running out of scratch space or memory for such a large file.


My 6x6 scans are 8500x8500 when cropped just inside the natural borders. Including the borders can affect the color balance and exposure, but not whether the file can be processed or saved.

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Tried the date solution, no effect. Tried the reinstall solution no effect.


I run a Core2Duo 2.6GHz, 4Gb Ram, 2x36Gb Raptors 10.000 rotations, in RAID stripping, i really doubt it's an issue of resources. Moreover, in CS2 they work.


Any other ideas why my 8k x 8x tiffs won't export from LR? (I REPEAT: EXPORT, not IMPORT)

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Well, seems that after uninstalling and installing Adobe software I can save the tiffs in CS3 (in LR still not). So I do a downsizing in CS3 to 6000x6000 and then import in LR, make adjustments and after that export to jpg.


I will experience with scanning directly in 3000dpi to get a file about that big and try to import them directly in LR.

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