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Leica M8 vs. Fuji s5

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How good is This M8 comparing to FUji s5 or Nikon D200 !? I use Fuji now for my

digital work (photojournalism and jewelery-macro) and for everything else I use

Rollei 6003 (LOVE IT) but I thought maybe selling My Fuji and get A small camera

like M8 but Is the M8 is truly a great camera like the Film Leica's ??

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Keep the Fuji and do loads of jewelry-macro work with it, enough to pay for an M8, then

use the M8 for photojournalism and keep the Fuji for macro. You should find this a much

better business (and pleasure) model!


Alternately, you could sell the Fuji and buy a macro lens for the Rollei and shoot jewelry

with this... but since the Rollei is film this would not likely, even given the fidelity of

medium format, to be nearly as cost effective or practical an approach to the low-

overhead commerce you will want to generate to purchase an M8.


Then again, you could simply sell the Rollei - but seeing as how you LOVE IT, perhaps not.

But perhaps having more than one LOVE IT camera (assuming that the M8 will satisfy this

need) is too much to ask? Oh, but this can be tough!


My own solution has been to keep driving my much dented but much loved 1996 Saab -

cost me 1500 bucks three years ago - and keeps on rolling - and lets keep enjoying my

nice photo gear (a leaky Porsche 944 sits in my garage, awaiting repairs, but thats another

story!). Of course, when I do have clients, and when they see me coming in my dented

Saab - well, I do wonder if my own business model makes sense! But hey, the proof is in

the photos, right? Good luck!

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Apples versus oranges. The Leica M8 is a very good camera but it is not well suited to macro work.


If you are really, really determined to buy an M8 and use it for macro work, you can buy a Visoflex accessory reflex housing and a 65mm lens and shoot some jewelery. But this would be making your life unnecessarily difficult because the Fuji S5 is far better suited to the task.

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well I Love my Rollei and 99% of all my pictures made by it:) I don't like my Fuji it's big and I don't know if I really need it,I really want a everyday camera that i can throw into the bag,I had Hasse Xpan rangefinder and I it was great but I know for sure the only film that i'll shoot from now is 120 (Rollei) ... I don't want to go back to 35mm, so I thought That Leica M8 will be great for my,for my photojournalism it can be nice and for everyday work Leica is so small:):)
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I guess I am a little confused, the Fuji is too big but the Rollei isn't? I have not used either extensively, are you willing to forgive the Rollei's bulk due to its quality of output? I have owned a D200, currently a D300. The D300 is a far better camera overall then the D200, and a worthy upgrade unless you need small format body.The D300 overall is a better image maker then the S5, unless you are a wedding shooter and need the extended DR. I also own an M8. I prefer the M8 for mono and the D300 for color overall. All cameras have different pros and cons, the M8 is the closest to fine mono since I shot my Hassys[for 15yrs]....fwiw...whether the M8 is as great for you as "film Leicas" is too personal a distinction for anyone to assure you. The M8 surely has filled a niche for me that was missing with the dslrs and my desire to have that tonality in a smaller package then my 4x5 and Hassy gear...JMHO.
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