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Minolta Autometer IV vs. Sekonic L-718


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I recently bought a Minolta Autometer IV to replace my Sekonic L-398M Studio II. It's a great meter, very simple to use and dead accurate. But I now notice that Sekonic has dropped the price of the L-718 to roughly the same as the Minolta. The Sekonic, judging by the published info, has more features for the money. And it comes with certain attachments (like the flat incident disc and reflected light attachment) that are extra for the Minolta. I live in a small city with poorly stocked camera stores and cannot compare the two meters side-by-side. I could exchange the Minolta if I wanted to, but I am reluctant to give up a meter that works so well for one that I cannot check out in person. (I would have to order the Sekonic sight- unseen.) Can anyone help me?


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Peter - I have owned a Minolta IVF for almost fours years, and it has

been one of the best investments I have ever made. It's been dropped,

submerged, etc, etc, and continues to be extremely accurate. I did

alot of research before I purchased it, and basically came to the same

point that you are asking. Which is better, Minolta or Sekonic? I

basically came to the decision that they are equal in terms of

construction. The main decisive factor came down to something very

simple....how it felt in my hand. The Minolta feels very nice in the

palm of your hand, while the Sekonic (for some odd reason) feels a

little strange. This is, however, just my opinion. :) I'd stick

with the Minolta. Don't bother with the 5 degree spot attachment,

though.......If you need a spot meter, buy it seperatly. (The 5

degree attachment, on any meter, isn't nearly as accurate as a 1

degree.) Hope this helps a little.

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Hi Peter,




I have owned the Minolta meter for several years, and as as studio

food photographer, have been quite pleased with it's performance. I

have looked at your website, and you are a very talented and

obviously experienced and capable photographer. I'm certain that

either meter would NOT have any affect whatsoever on your creative

vision and artistic ability. My 2 cents...!!!

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