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Dust on LF Negatives


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mostly i shoot b&w negatives in 8x10. in the meanwhile i succeded in eliminating the scratches from developing the negatives in trays (5 to 10 at a time), but i still cannot get rid of the dust!!! i shoot exclusively outside in the field and carry my filmholders in a separated closed bag. when loading the film i use antistatic towels and air to clean the holders, moreover there is no difference if i load the film in a tent or in the darkroom, there are always some dustspots on the developed negatives. maybe somebody can give me some advice


herwig prammer

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Two remedies:





1. Try to find a used Zone VI anti-static brush. It runs on 110v and

was manufactured by Chapman = the sticker says Chapman Power Supply -

in addition to having a Zone VI sticker. You may be able to find one on

ebay (2 were listed within the past two weeks). The unit creates an

anti static charge that repels dust from film holders - and whereever

you decide to use it.




2. If you cannot get rid of dust get a small jar of opaque red. With a

very fine brush spot the clear areas (where you had dust) on your negs.

After making your final print you can Spottone the areas to match the

print color. This works better than scraping black spots of the final


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Hi, i am very interested in this topic , because it is very frustrating

to see good shots being "tainted" by this damned white spots in

the negatives that inesorably allow light to go through freely....

So, this is for Per Volquartz, : Per , what kind of red paint do you

use? Acrilic?

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Apparently Kodak discontinued "Opaque Red" last year (I must be lucky =

have two jars left...).

However, Retouch Methods = the company that makes Spottone makes a

similar product called "Opaque Black"...




Kodak's product (and I assume that the similar product made by Retouch

method's) is an opaque water color that can be re-wetted and removed.

In addition it is extremely finely ground and goes down very well on a

negative surface. Because is is NOT an acrylic it can be removed

completely without damaging the negative.




So, call your favorite camera store right now and see if they have any

Kodak "Opaque Red" on a shelf somewhere; it is a great product!!!

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Opaque Red is gone, but Kodak still offers something equivalent [and

better, I think]. Its Crocein Scarlet. In the past, it came as a

liquid [like opaque red], but now it comes in powdered form - you mix

it up yourself, as dark as you want. It forms a red dye that does

the same thing as Opaque Red.




You can always do it the old way, with lead pencils and retouching

fluid. The Kodak product I REALLY miss right now is Film Cleaner.

Must have been banned by the EPA.

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I lived 20 yrs. in Las Veags, so imagine the dust I had to contend

with. But, I found this: If you're using a developer with a relatively

large amount of sodium carbonate,( D-76 type developers), the

dust is more likely pinholes. When the carbonate goes into the

acid stop bath, carbon dioxide is formed as tiny bubbles in the

emulsion. They gotta go somewhere, so they pop out, leaving

tiny holes. Just like dust spots. Try a different developer or dilute

your stop to 1/2 of the published formula. Mine is 40ml of 28%

acetic to a liter of water. I don't have that problem nearly at all

now. Hope this helps.

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More about spotting negs. with opaque red or black:




DO NOT buy the inferior spotting brushes from your photo store. 99% of

these stores have no clue as to what makes a good brush. Instead go to

a large art supply store and purchase a Windsor & Newton, series 7,

size 00, water color brush.

These brushes are the very best brushes made in the world today for

applying water color paint. Check the brush for a perfect point when

you buy it. If it does not form a perfect point look at the next one -

and the next - until you find a perfect brush.




When you use opaque red or black or any other water based pigment, thin

these pigments with just enough water so the are opaque, but not thick.

After spotting negs - or prints with this brush, wash it in lukewarm

water, letting the water flow along the hair. Do not bend the hair.

After washing out all pigment shake the brush lightly, and twirl it on

your tongue for a few seconds - until it forms a perfect point again.

The best to dry artists's brushes is to hang them pointing downward.

This prevents moisture from getting into the ferrule and rotting the

kolinsky sable hair...




These brushes cost around $10 each, but you will have them for a very

long time if you treat them well...

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If you live near a good graphic arts or printing supply company, or

know a printer, there are (or at least used to be :( )spotting aids

for cleaning up litho films for platemaking, including sharpie marker

type pens that put out a transparent dk red ink. The dark red usually

blocks light in normal printing - a quick test on a piece of

clear plastic would confirm the effect.

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  • 4 years later...
I have a question, rather than an answer, but it is about Kodak red opaque. I have some that is dried up (maybe it is supposed to be solid) and wonder if it is still good to use. I am not working in the darkroom and never used it that I remember. I probably got it when I was taking a darkroom course years ago. Any help will be appreciated. I doubt Kodak will have an answer. Thanks.
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