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Need help changing color of shirt


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I am trying to change the color of a shirt of arecent wedding i did. one of

the groomsman wore red. I got it somewhat in photoshop with the replace color

function and the eyedropper, in fact, it looks pretty damn good. only thing is,

there are similar colored objects in the photo, aka the door and some of the

grooms hair. and when i do the eye dropper to make the shirt look good, it

changes the other colors as well that are similar... is there any way to have

it just change the color of the shirt and not anything else?


thank you in advance

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Make a new layer (as a copy of the original), and make your changes on that layer. Mask around just the shirt, or otherwise erase the parts of that layer that you DON'T want to change. Then, flatten that altered PART of the image back down onto the original, and you're all set.
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That sounds about right on the fix. But opens a can of worms regarding philosophy of the shoot. The wedding happened. The groomsman wore red. Everybody saw it. It is history.


Are we trying to undo history and make things conform? I would readily retouch a groom's bad skin or eliminate a stray hair or a stray plant branch coming "out" of someone's head, but I hate the concept of changing history. I've had to remove people from backgrounds before but that isn't anything that different timing at the event might have changed... waiting for the person to leave or asking them to move. But changing a groomsman's shirt color?


I suppose we just do whatever they ask us to do. I hope you are charging more for the extra effort on the retouching. Please upload your before and afters here!


Now here is something you may be interested in, and maybe I should put it into another thread, but if you are into "fixing" people, consider this software a friend told me about...




Keep on keeping on, and remember.. wherever you are, there you are.





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