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Good India galleries


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i am going to India again at the end of march and i am currently looking for

some good/great galleries of pictures taken there.


I find this inspirational and it serves two purposes, one is that i just can't

wait to go there and therefore hunger for input on this country and the second,

that i find looking at other photographer's pictures very educational and

helpful for developing my own photography.


So please guide me to some interesting photos in that subject!






P.S. I decided to post again, because the heading looks sort of ...stupid

without "i"s, maybe an admin can delete the first post.

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India is so diverse in terms of geography and culture that it becomes impossible to stereotype "images of india". Each region has it's own flavor of sorts, and that flavor comes through via radically different images depending on which part of India you're visiting.


Things be as they may, here are a few of my favourite links to some:











I've also got a modest collection up on my site - and far more that need to go up there. Some time soon hopefully!

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I was wondering if you've seen the movie "Monsoon Wedding" ? The cinematography is wonderful and it's full of great images. Also, an earlier movie by the same director, Mira Nair, is called Salaam Bombay and is also wonderfully photographed. I know these aren't still galleries, but I find them inspirational just the same.

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