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disabled menu on Nikon D80


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Just wondering if anyone can give me the answer on this. I've just bought the

Nikon D80 as my first dSLR and was wanting access to the 'Optimize image' menu

on the 'Shooting Menu'. However, it's greyed out and when I try to go into it,

I get the message 'This option is not available with current settings'. I've

scoured the manual that came with the camera and also the 'Digital Field Guide'

but can't find out why this should be. Also, I'm assuming that from within

there I can set the camera to 'Black and white' mode (again, nothing in either

book points me to this) - is this so ?


Any help appreciated. Thanks.

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First of all, don't worry! There is nothing wrong with your camera. There must be some kind

of settings in your camera that doesn't aloud you to change it. I tried to find out what it is

but I couldn't find it. The best thing you can do is read your manual. look under OPTIMIZE.

Good luck!



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Hi Malcom. The Setting marked in green on settings wheel (top left of camera) and saying Auto, does in fact 'grey out' the 'optimise image' setting in the Shooting Menu.


For a start, twist it to P and all will be well and your 'optimise image' setting will be available. I suggest P while you get used to the camera. It allows you to change aperture/shutter speed while maintaining a correct exposure. Then you can move on to more complicated settings.


good luck !

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