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Chinese manufactured Rebel XTi quality differences?


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I'm currently looking to purchace a Canon Rebel XTi and have found some

retailers offering a Chinese made model and a more expensive "US" version. I

was hoping someone could point me in the right direction before I buy one. Any



Is there a difference in the actual product as far as quality goes? Components?

Is this "US" version the Japan made model? I know Canon has manufacturing plants

in both countries and have seen similar debates on Canon products.


I would greatly appreciate any help.

My thanks in advance.



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Some others here can correct me if I am wrong, but I *think* all Canons are made in Japan.

I know there are the online "retailers" ... scam artists is a better term... that will advertise a

low price, then when you try to purchase the camera, they give you a lying song and dance

about the camera being a cheaper China made model, then offer to "upgrade" you to the

US model, at a much higher price. STAY AWAY from these scum. Buy only from B-H or

Adorama and you will have no problems. Always check out http://www.resellerratings.com

before getting trapped into these online crooks.

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My guess is that anybody claiming to sell a Chinese version at a discount is setting you up for a scam. I suggest you go to resellerratings.com and check them out.


Some reputable online vendors with good prices are:







Generally speaking, they offer the best price, or are within about 5% of the best LEGITIMATE price. If you are looking at a dramatic discount over these guys, BE VERY WARY!

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Even quality dealers like B&H sell a US and an "Imported" version. The imported version is a couple of dollars less, but watch out for warranty coverage issues. I have seen other posts stating the "imported" camera's warranty will not be honored by US service locations. I can't tell you if there is an actual difference in the hardware\firmware.
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<i>"Even quality dealers like B&H sell a US and an "Imported" version."</i><P>

The difference with quality dealers like B&H is the acknowledgment that the US version is made in the very SAME factory as the "imported" version and they don't try to represent it as otherwise, they are upfront and honest about warranty or other differences, and they don't try bullshit underhanded bald faced dishonest bait and switch sales tactics.

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Tricia: There are two issues that have been brought up here. One is "grey market/imported" goods -- go to the B&H website, pull up any item that's listed as imported, then click on the word "imported" and it will give you a thorough description of what "imported" and "grey market" means. As Michael says above, it's purely a matter of the warrantee coverage, there's no difference in manufacture.


The other issue is "lower quality made-in-China". As said above, it's a scam, a swindle, a bait-and-switch, a lowlife-scum-rip-off bastard tactic. Stay away from any store that gives you that line.

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Which is why I believe they are a Quality dealer. Tricia didn't state what dealer she was working with (could be B&H) and I didn't want her to think that B&H was trying to rip her off by offering both versions. It's not wrong to do, as long as they are up front about it, like B&H. Mostly I just wanted to point out the possiblity of warranty issues. They actually have a good description of the differences here: <a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/find/HelpCenter/USGrey.jsp">U.S. & Grey Market Items</a>
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Some Canon equipment is made in Taiwan, Province of China (I'm trying to avoid starting WWIII here), for example the EF-S 60/2.8USM lens. Quite possibly there are also items made in the PRC. My experience with the 60/2.8 is that it is indistinguishable in manufacturing quality from comparable Japanese-made lenses. I don't know whether Canon currently manufacture any camera bodies outside Japan - other posters may well be correct in thinking that this does not happen - but there has certainly never been any reason to think that a two-tier quality structure applies to any Canon equipment. That's just part of the bait-and-switch spiel.
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My experience with Japanese products is that almost without exception, the items made in Japan are flawless, and the ones made outside of Japan are much less well put together, and much more likely to fail sooner than later. In general. No doubt more recent products like Japanese cell phones, or camcorders are designed to only last 6 months or a year or so before failing, ie breaking.


It's all part of planned obsolescence. If the technology upgrade does not force to buy the newer one, then the fact that the old one broke sure will. I have been through a ton of cell phones here, in the last six years. Many if not most are not built to take a beating. They could be built out of titanium and designed to last forever, but they are not.


The Canon 10D I just bought is an anomaly. It was obsolete the year after it was introduced. Now some five years later, it is still completely indestructible.


Oh, and yes, SCAM it seems you have met with.

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