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Shutter overhaul for Rolleflex V?


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Lets Look at this before you think $300.00 is to expensive for the rollei camera: it will cost you about $50.00 round trip for postage so that now leaves you $250.00 for repair on the rollei , to get at the shuitter , I beleive its a camera tear down to start with, some repair people will not do a job part of the way because its just not proper, and rollei's are the best of the TLR's, they did stop make-ing them for awhile but their back again: So think hard about this weather to have it done in japan or ship it out to someone else!


Here are two names I know of Harry Fleenor,they is the very good and also Paul Ebel who is very good also, remember good workmanship comes at a Price! so if you can get it done there and you can check on their workmanship it just might be cheaper?


And lets not forget We Get What We Pay For:


Good luck on solve-ing your problem:

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I would look up the price in "McKeown's Price Guide To Antique & Classic Cameras" and see if any are selling on line and watch them to see what they're going for. <p/>I was in a similar situation with a Rollei Magic I. The shutter was shot and the local <a href=http://www.markhama.com/>repair guy</a> quoted me $225 to overhaul it. The camera was worth at most $175 according to McKeown's which means it will go for less on eBay (I sold a bunch of classic cameras on eBay and I've <i>never</i> gotten as much as McKeown's says they're worth.). I sold it broken for $50. I guess folks collect them and put them on their shelves.
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Sorry, it's a Cord V. I paid 100 bucks for it, and just installed an RZ screen I cut to size. It's perfect in every way, except it needs the shutter to fire properly. I know Fleenor does these, and I was expecting to pay about one c note for the job. Plus I am in Japan. If you can help me, please let me know. Don't need any lectures thanks.
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Off course you do not need any lectures. In my view the point Lauren was making is that to

get to the shutter quite a bit of dismantling has to be done. That being the case, doing the

rest of a proper CLA would not be much more expensive than doing just the

shutter.<p>Buying another one involves the risk of a need for a CLA as well.

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Hi claude batmanghelidj,


How's your Japanese? You might want to try this place, but they speak only Japanese:


Roi Camera: in Hanno Sun Plaza in Saitama. They are on the Seibu Ikebukuro line (Hanno Station).

Tel: 042-971-3639


Not sure how much they charge for this service, but they are the place that other shops send Rolleis to, especially after Rollei Japan closed. Turn around time isn't too bad, 10-14 days. I checked with Harry Fleenor and his turn around time just for a CLA was 3.5 months.


Good luck,


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