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Fuji S5 or Nikon D300?


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I was on a trip last week with a group of photographers and one of them had a

Fuji S2 camera. His pictures looked so good on the back of his camera, even

though it is a tiny little screen. This made me think, if the S2 can do that

much, how much more the S5?

I'm not planning on buying a D300 or any camera now, I'm very happy with my D200

and it is doing the job pretty well, I just want to know if the S5 is comparable

with the D300 or not. Would you recommend the Fuji instead of the D300? What

about the Dynamic Range in both cameras, how do you compare that? Any sample

images would be highly appreciated.




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The Fuji S-series DSLRs has some "cult" status: there is a relatively small group of people who really like them (especially among wedding photographers) while most photographers dismiss them. They have a great dynamic range, excellent for the white gown/black tux bride/groom situations. However, the Fuji DSLRs are well known for being slow cameras.


Run a search in this forum and you should see a number of previous threads. Clearly I cannot predict whether you will like the S5 or D300 better; only you can decide on that.


Incidentally, there is a chance that Fuji may announce a successor to the S5 leading to the PMA. Watch out for such news in the next 3 weeks.

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If you want decent images at ISO 3200 [think night sports, no flash,] I (for one) would not go for the Fuji S5 Pro body. It is 'like' a Nikon D200, but really not close to a Nikon D80 at ISO 3200. For 'people' images, the Fuji S5 does right well.
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Yousef ...


i shoot the S5 Pro and love it for its wide DR and high-ISO/low noise performance compared to the D200 (which i also have). i cant compare it to the D300, since i dont have it. i am awaiting the D3 to arrive, which means the D3 will replace the S5 in "high-ISO/low noise" shooting situations (for me) and for sports.


as Shun mentions, the S5 is popular among wedding photogs, because of its wide DR (the S5 has about 11 stops of DR, compared to the D3's 9 stops, which is typical of Nikon bodies). so i will continue to use the S5 for weddings and similar event situations.


and Shun is correct concerning the write speed of the S5, but only when it's in "high-DR" mode. and i guess you cant blame it, since the S5 writes 25MB files in this mode and if you're shooting RAW+JPG, then it's also writing the JPG file. when not in this mode, you can get about 3 FPS out of the S5 (versus about 1.5 FPS in high-DR).


one other thing i'd like to mention is the S5's OOC JPGs cant be beat in terms of pleasing skin color, when compared to the D200/300/D3. you'll have to spend some time with the D200/300/D3, tweaking them, to achieve the same results as the S5 does out of the box. dont believe it? go to the "Fuji SLR" and the "Nikon D1/2/3" DPReview forums and search out the "skin color/tone" threads that have been active :) this is another reason the S5 is popular with wedding and portrait photographers - less PP.


as you may know, the S5 is based on the D200, so it inherits much of the electronics, but brings the unique Fuji sensor/firmware to the table.

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I actually suspect that although Fuji seems a bit slow in the field right now - not coming out with new things as often as the big ones, their focus is on getting film-like image quality in digital - and that philosophy has produced and will produce some excellent cameras that will always have their niche with professionals for certain qualities that other digital cameras lack.
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I couldnt wait for the D300 . so I ordered my S5 pro. It arrived on THE day the D300/D3 was announced! Was I miffed! BUT I have had it for a few months now and There are many things to like about it(compared to D70). I dont do sports so the speed(lack of) is not important to me. The colours straight of the JPG are amazing! The WB is amazing! ISO 3200 at small to medium print sizes are just perfect. The colours I get out of the camera are better than I can tweek in PP. In fact I tend to mess it up! so i just leave the colours as is most of the time!! ESP for Skin tones. But the colours are also amazing for nature shots of birds and flowers. Though landscape seems a bit dull and needs tweeking due to the High DR. But thats good as you keep high light and shadow details you would loose otherwise. also for birds and flowers. You can shoot in much harsher lights due to the DR.


BUT if I had only one camera I would choose the D300 over the S5pro. luckily I dont have to choose :-) so I will be getting a D300 in a few months time! Once all the bugs are ironed out! ;-)

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"...so I will be getting a D300 in a few months time! Once all the bugs are ironed out!"


> Name two, or even one.


The problem with forums is that sometimes the flavor of the statement is misunderstood.. smilies help ;-)


My original post was that "ALL the bugs" were an excuse for me to not spend $$ yet! due to the amazing LACK of bugs on the internet! also that statement being so Cliche! again note the smilies ;-)



But being technology there are bound to be "bugs" and it would be foolish to expect none. So here maybe is one..?



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Hi Tze,


I am obtuse when it comes to smilies. I can assure you that the camera has been completely trouble free for us. Now I did replicate the pattern noise by following Chekki's recipe, but it is difficult to isolate the issue as I found it impossible to reliably trigger the pattern noise even using identical exposure parameters, which would allow me to isolate when it happens and when it doesn't. The last six times I tried to trigger the noise I failed, so I gave up. It appears that it has to be 15-20 seconds, and the pattern noise appeared at ISO 1100, 1600 and 1800; but sometimes it didn't appear at those same exposure times and ISOs. At this time I can only speculate about the causes, but it appears to be related to long exposure NR, the ISO setting, the light source, and possibly electromagnetic interference from the monitor (this was a hypothesis I was unable to test).


Perhaps this is a bug, as defined here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_bug but I would be inclined to describe it as an anomalous defect which would make the camera inappropriate for extremely narrow applications. It is almost certainly not something that will corrected in the future. FWIW, I have come across a couple of other bugs as well (cannot turn off D-lighting and sharpening is disabled if any EC is applied), but those are all related to NX and not inherent to the D300. I have also become aware of an issue related to high ISO shots where third party converters are unable to properly demosaic the files, more on that here: http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00NuTB which also appears to be a software issue.

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If the D300 doesn't have any bugs, it would be the first digital camera in history to not have any. Most bugs are taken care of by the manufacturers firmware and are usually no big deal. TWF is using it for an excuse to not shell out the money for a new D300 right now, just like I am.
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No worries Anthony. I am not really worried about the D300 troubles. There are bound to be niggles and weaknesses.. we just have to work around them like we do with all our other equipment.


Tim: I am just so very financially challenged I would cry all day if it helped ! :-) I would still like a D3 though.. Just waiting for ALL the bugs to be ironed out ! ;-)


Ok lets get back on topic... From what I have read. The DR of the S5 pro is still significantly higher than the D300 in RAW. However I think(I have no proof nor have I read a specific test that proofs, I have just inferred) that The Jpgs are preety close due to the effect of the DLight thingi in the D300. The edge still going S5pro's way in terms of DR on the JPG.

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The infamous BGLOD problem on the D70 was not well known and wide spread until at least several months (or perhaps over a year) since the D70's original introduction. Recall that the D70 was announced in January 2004, prior to the PMA. Nikon started shipping it in March, and a friend of mine bought one that very same month. His D70 went dead like 1 year and half later.


During the film days, I used to wait a full year before I would buy into a new camera body; I did exactly that for the F4, F5 and F100. Product cycles for DSLRs are simply too short to do that now. A DSLR is "old" one year into the production cycle.

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Hi Shun,


Perhaps the product cycles are getting so short that the bugs don't appear until the camera is already obsolescent.


Aside from Tze's most peculiar example, I have yet to find any "bugs" with my D300; but NX, now that's another matter altogether.


For Yousef:


"Would you recommend the Fuji instead of the D300?"


> We own two D200 cameras and a D300 (I share my gear freely with my son). Our next camera will be another D300 or perhaps an affordable FX (if it becomes available before we buy another camera), so for us the answer is unequivocal -- YMMV.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi I would like to add this piece I have just put here, it is a posting I put on another forum. Some of you might find it interesting. I have to say these comments are only my point of view and opinion.


here is copy of posting:


Hi to all again,from Tony, Well I have to eat humble pie here. When I wrote before I did not have software on my computers to read the new raw formats. So my comments were given on what I could see in the monitors, on the backs of the cameras.


I have to say that all is different once I had the photos on computers. On my 2 cameras, they give the same results in photos, except that there is a few small differences. I have to add that I was trying the cameras out in default settings. As still have not mastered the manuals properly.


Ok, I used 18-200 and 55-200 vr dx Nikon lenses, I swapped the lenses to both cameras to get exact results from each. The 18-200 is the best of the 2 lenses, on both cameras, over the whole of the range. I tested more the 200 part, as that is where I had problems on old film camras in telephoto mode.


All my tests were done in auto P mode on both. My reason was this setting should be as near as possible the same on both as they are both built by the builders of Nikon on the same assembly lines, well next to each other anyway.


Ok the sensors are different I know. I was trying to achieve the same bench mark as possible on both to be fair to both cameras. This would give the most accurate of comparisons that I could get.(my reasoning).


The differences are that the S5 has a pink hue in all photos, including daylight. The whites are perfect on the D300, yes you can adjust the white balance on both. But I was trying everything out in standard mode on both, without giving any adjustments. The D300 focuses finer, but you can only see this when you enlarge to the maximum.


The problem I have with the S5 is I can not focus accurately from view finder, I can't see it clearly, and the monitor shows it slightly blurred. But on the D300 no problems at all. I have found the D300 easier for me to use to see what I am getting. Yes there are small problems on both in auto mode, but that is me using them.


Once I went to S and A settings these problems went on both.I am trying to objective and not biased to both cameras. I have for years been a Fuji man, and this is my first Nikon. But The D300 shows me what I have exactly, before I go to computer, The S5 fails for me in this.


They both give me identical pic's except S5 is pinker. That said there is no real descernable difference, until you blow up to maximum and d300 goes farther in. Looking at the photos I could say they are the same camera. Just that the D300 shows me what I have accurately on site and away from the computer.


May be I have a fault on my S5, I don't know. But I have to say I feel better using the D300. My opinion is they are exactly the same camera, with 2 different names. Using the photos as a judge, there is nothing different between then. Neither one is any better, there is only the pink balance in standard setting.


I have looked very deeply at photos from both cameras. The same subject in the same pose and position, only seconds in time, is a difference between them. I would love for somebody else to see these and tell me where the differences are, because I can't see them.


Maybe I need new glasses, I don't know, but I can say I am very fussy and particular and want perfect results, with out any questions, that is why I bought these cameras in the first place.


Thank you all, for your comments and views. If any of you want to write to me directly, my email is tonybrianrees@yahoo.co.uk


Best wishes to you all Tony


Tony at 07:31am on Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Tony Rees, Feb 02, 2008; 03:42 a.m.


Hi again, Would first like to add a web page as it might answer some of your question, it is another forum on the S5 d200 and D300 question. You all might find it of interest.




I would also like to add, just had an email from someone, asking what I knew about cameras and photography, well answer is probably not a lot. But I am nearly 61 and I bought my first camera at the age of 12( which I still have incidentally). I have done the darkroom thing and developed my own pics in colour and black and white. Still have my old Durst colour enlarger, (is for sale if anyone wants one).


I have done just about every subject there is over the years, weddings, models, portfolios, Porn,(yes most of us have done some of that in the past), it bought the bread for our tables in the past.


So I do know a little. I have owned many different cameras, even a Bronica ETRs as well, did not like that at all. Won photo competitions as well. But not with top of the range cameras. Owned and used ZenitB, Cosina 400s, Chinon CE or CM 3(can't remember which one it was), from Dixons. Canon, Olympus, many fuji's. So I do know a little, maybe not much,


But I have been taking photos and earning a living from it for a lot of years. 48 years in photography (not earning a living from it for that long), not a lifetime as some have, I know. I just wanted to make something clear as in my opinions.


So best wishes to all and I hope you all have much success at your photography.




I copied these from another thread, as it is relevant to your question, as I have both cameras

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Hi to all here,


Both the D300 and the S5 do identical photos and I personally like the colours of the D300 as they are nearer to the original colours of subjects. I have done comparison test on both cameras on same subject matter in same position with same lenses and on defaults on both cameras, the Nikon D300 came out best.


After tweaking both cameras there is no difference to see till you enlarge the pics, then the D300 enlarges more in detail, the S5 goes blurred. But that is as you get to seeing the pixles. The D300 will go 2 enlargemants more than the S5 pro will do.


I have read both the manuals and have to say the D300 is by far a better and more in depth manual. Once you have done that you can use the S5 just as good, there are only a few small points in the Fuji manual that you need to read that are not in the D300 book, and I say book as the D300 is a book not a manual, like the S5 pro is.


I have spent the last few nights and early mornings reading the manuals and playing with the settings of both cameras. The menu on the D300 is better than on the S5 as well. For me the D300 is at the moment the better camera and does give me more exact colours.


I am fussy and want my photos to show exactly how it is, not how I would like it to look. To me the colours of the S5 are washed out and too dark.


Saying that I think that both cameras are evenly matched, till you go into detail, then the D300 wins. But I will go on testing both and if I do find that the Fuji comes out on top I will say so.


I am not interested in the latest technology, All I want is perfect photos and I get the best I can from the D300. To me softer edges means burred pics and I prefer my pics to be sharp and in focus. I like my subjects to stand out from the background like they are 3D images. For me that is a perfect photo,as it is near to real life situations


I want people who see my photos, to want to reach out and touch them as though the subject was real and not a flat photo. I want my pics to jump out and say here I am touch me. My little and cheap Fuji S7000 does that easily. So I expect it more so on much more expensive cameras.


Sorry folks, is my opinion, thanks to all who have given me advice and much help in doing this, I owe a lot to some of you reading this for your help.


Best wishes to all,




I copied this from the other thread as well;

below is the thread,


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Hi again, one other thing I should mention, the D300 gives perfect skin tones, well it does to me. I sat and looked at 2 photos on my laptop, 1 S5, the other D300, side by side in Photoshop CS3 with the models face sitting opposite me and compared them both, to the models face as is.We were sitting at the same table at the same time of day, give some minutes either way diff.In a cafe, we do this every morning at the same time.The D300 came nearer to perfect reproduction of her skin tones, in every way. The S5 was not even near to exact replication. Too bright, too strong, wrong colour pink.

Hope this helps someone,

Best wishes



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  • 5 months later...

After all this chatting over Fuji S5Pro and Nikon D300 I guess its very personal to each individual's liking skill of the

photograph taken.

Like if you a Nikon followers you will said Nikon is the Best and If you a Fuji followers you will said Fuji is the

best .Am I saying right?

First and foremost to get the correct photo from your camera and compare .

We need to have a very high end Accurate Monitor from Eizo or Sony & G.M or Monaco Profile callibrator for a

correct Monitor profiling from your Digital Camera and Monitor.

Before we can say which is good for skin or others.

As I had to profile every monitor in my Dark room and all my different digital camera to get it touch-up before I can

comment which is good for what usage.

I have 4 Superb Monitor and all 4 Pcs of Mac G5 all fully callibrated for my photograhy's work.

I own all this camera D100,D200,D300,D3 ,Fuji S1 ,S2 ,S3 & S5 pro.

Full Leaf system and Hasseblad system too.

After so many tweaking and touching up on digital photograph .

I still go back to my Film camera (Nikon,Leica ,Arca Swiss ,Alpha,Linhoft and Fuji GX Series ) as nothing come

close or near to a film camera(B&W or Colour Slide).

As I still scan all my film with my Imacon Flextight & Microtek Film Scanner to get to as close as the original.

With a superior scanning software from Lasersoft Imaging.

Guess I am very neutral to which is good at what purpose.

So guys just take more photos rather searching for the best digital cameras.


Good Days

Kim Gary


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  • 4 months later...

I like your answer Kim, if all your worried about is image quality grab any nikon film camera, slap some chrome in it, ( they

still make that you know), put on your trusty 50mm and go at it. The results are nice. Film has came a long way and the

new fuji velvia has made strides to improve image quality even more, not to mention the new Ilford Delta, wow. I am at the

threshold of digital, being pushed over from customer demand. And I dont know what to buy. But this form was very helpfull

so thanks too all. Very interesting and I think I would lean to the Nikon, but Im a stikkler for image quality, how much better

is this new FX-format sensor? Will there be a cheaper body than the D700 with this fx sensor soon? So if I get into DX

lenses now with a D90 or D300 they are no good for FX? I just want to shoot with all the nikor lenses I have now and not

worry about it and upgrade again in 2 years, I can only afford around $1600.

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  • 3 months later...

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