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My take on Egypt


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Eric, the camel/pyramid shot was taken with my 1D Mark IIN, Canon 24-70 F2.8, no filters. One of the many 'mistakes' I did on this tour was to be somewhat lazy. For the most part, I only took one camera and lens out on each day I went shooting. While it forced me to use what I have, and that's a good excercise, but having traveled all that way, I should have taken a second body/lens.


I also felt that as I relied on public transportation such as taxi, bus and train, I was not able to go off the beaten path as I would have liked. I feel my Morocco images were better if comparing.

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hey kalim,

thanks for the response.

i went to egypt in 2001; i was writing a travel story for a newspaper. i managed to get some shots printed with my (then) only camera, a nikon 35mm film point n shoot. the beauty and magnitude of hapshepsut's obelisk is such that even a mediocre camera can't detract from it. wouldn't mind going back now that i have a nikon d300.


i was able to go a bit 'off the beaten path' as it were, traveling to Amarna and Luxor (via train from Cairo). it's hard to get an original Giza image, but i had much better luck in the Valley of Kings and Karnak temple (a must-see if you go next time).


interestingly enough, i also went to Morocco in 2002 for the Fez and Gnoua festivals. i'll agree with you that Morocco is more picturesque, in part due to the colors (Essouira blue and Marrakech red) but also due to the fact that Cairo is super-polluted and the air is thick with a smoggy haze (i could see it in some of your shots). A polarizer might have helped, so that's one reason to bring filters next time for sure!

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