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Depends on why it needs cleaning. If it is just a matter of dust then use a blower to remove that. If there is smudge on it or fingerprints then it may be more difficult. Modern screens are made out of plastic that is very easily damaged. If the A1 still has a glass screen you can try (m)ethanol/isopropanol. Only clean it if that is strictly necessary.
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Michael DO NOT USE ANYTHING to clean the screen in your A-1 But air. If you have not the experiance to do this properly you can very very very easily damage the screen.


Not sure where you are but I would strongly suggest you look for a pro level camera shop or a camera repair person and have them clean your screen. The few bucks it cost to have a shop do it compared to finding a new screen will be money well spent.


The A-1 screen is removable so a repair person can clean both sides easily.


NOW you are most likely going to get advise on how easy it is to do yourself. Follow the advise if you want to. I give you the safe route. If you do what I suggest you won't be back here looking for the best place to find a new screen!

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Finding dirt in places that can't be explained is common, dealing with it properly is not. I agree with Mark, find solace in the fact that after a good CLA your A1 will once again be spot on, a good working A1 is a very fine high end camera, IMHO well worth the investment.
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