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Downloading from D300


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I think I may be missing something. I installed the new Capture NX and tried

to figure out how to download from my D300 to the computer using it. I can't

seem to locate a "get files" instruction in NX. I have worked out a

workaround, but I'm convinced there must be an easier way.


Can someone please help?

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I don't know the answer to your question... But I will say this... Transferring photos directly from your camera to computer via USB is IMO not a great way to go about it... Mainly b/c if your camera batteries runs out of juice during the transfer you're likely to end up with some corrupt files that can't be saved. Spend $20 and get a card reader. It will likely transfer quicker and you won't have to worry about the battery on the camera crapping out.
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as Joshua mentions, you should not use your camera as a mass-storage device ... get a good multi-card reader.


secondly, you should be able to use the facilities of your OS to transfer the images - as a rule, the camera or card reader, when flipped on, the operating system will mount the device as a mass storage device, then use the native file manager to transfer the files.

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Just put the pictures in MY Pictures if you have windows or Pictures if you have a Mac.


Plug the camera in, turn it on, and the camera appears as an external hard drive on your

C drive or on the monitor if you have a Mac.


Plug directly into the computer, not a hub or keyboard port.


Click open the drive and you get a menu asking what to do with the file. Pick Save to My

computer and have a file pre made for those particular photos.


On a Mac, open image capture from applications, and pick download some or all. They

go to pictures unfoldered or to iPhoto or you can drag and drop to a premade folder.


On a windows, if they are NEF files without accompanying JPEGS, you need PIC PROJECT

TO RECEIVE THEM or a card reader which appears as an additional drive. Move the files

out of PP if you don`t want to use it.


Right click on the pic file and pick open with, then select Nikon Capture.


Google Nikon NX tutorials and it will get you to Nikon site where there are numerous

tutorials and interactive lessons on how to use NX. Most is not intutitively obvious. The

program is hard to use if you do not know all the tricks.


Turn the camera off and or eject the drive before disconnecting. Put the camera where it

will not fall.


Keep the battery charged as Li ion like to be topped off often unlike NiCads.

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Over the years, I have developed a routine concerning downloading pics to computer, I

always get pics into computer (Windows XP laptop) by card reader or on my new Windows

Vista desktop by using CF/SD slots on tower. After pics are in, I burn them onto CD's that

are then loaded into my Mac G5 for printing/e-mail/modification etc. This way, I have pics

on hard copy (CD) also on Windows and in Mac---triple protection. By the way, for those

who are having trouble getting CDs that are burned in Vista to open in Mac (10.4), go to

Google and type in something like "CDs burned on Vista will not open in Mac" and you will

find pages that will walk you thru the minor setting change (to "mastered") that will allow

CDs to open in Mac. Also, does anybody out there feel like Vista is just XP mashed up and

changed around for no good reason? Except maybe confusion...

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